Nytt nummer av RELA ute

RELA, European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, firar tio år och ökar utgivningstakten till tre nummer per år. Nu finns nr 1 2019 att läsa. 

Årets första nummer av RELA innehåller följade artiklar:

  • Editorial: RELAs 10-year anniversary: What have we accomplished?
  • Migration and translocal learning: Poles in Reykjavik
  • Reading literacy and metacognition in a Spanish Adult Education centre
  • Agency, identity and learning at turning points in women’s lives: A comparative UK-Italian analysis
  • Staging bodies: learning through feminist activism. Analysis of points emerging from actions by La Barbe and Femen in France
  • Gender consciousness through applied theatre
  • An analysis of educational programmes for adults accompanying museum exhibitions: the typology of portals


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