Torsdag: Seniors as digital learners

Seminarium som en del i Nordplusprojektet 'How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic', anmälan är fortfarande öppen.

This event is part of a Nordplus project NPAD-2020/10169: How seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and Baltic?
The aim of this project is to share good practises about the topic, how seniors learn digital skills in the Nordics and the Baltic. Beside of that we learn, how digitalization and continues learning are seen in different countries. The event is hosted by the Summer University and U3A of Jyväskylä. You'll learn, how the U3A works in Jyväskylä and which kind of reasearch in the field of gerontology is taking place at the University of Jyväskylä. There will be also presentations about the on-going reform of continuous learning in Finland, as also about digitalization and support for people adapting digital competences.

Seniors as digital learners - online seminar on the 29th of April 2021 Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.

Se också:

Ulli Samuelsson, lektor i pedagogik, har flera pågående och tidigare projekt om äldre personers digitala inkludering. Hon blev nyligen tillfrågad av Nationalencyklopedin att skriva deras artikel på ämnet digitalt utanförskap Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..


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