JTH research features on cover of international journal

The cover of Journal of Materials Science for January 2022, featuring an illustration from a paper produced by Santiago Pinate and co-authors at the Department of Materials and Manufacturing.

The cover of Journal of Materials Science for January 2022, featuring an illustration from a paper produced by Santiago Pinate and co-authors at the Department of Materials and Manufacturing.

A paper co-authored by researchers from the Department of Materials and Manufacturing, has been chosen for the front cover of the international Journal of Materials Science. The paper was also highlighted in the editorial of journal’s January volume.

“This is very important international recognition of the scientific impact of the research we do here at our department ,” said Professor Caterina Zanella from the Department of Materials and Manufacturing.

Caterina Zanella, Professor surface technology at JTH.

Caterina Zanella, Professor surface technology at JTH.

From January 2022, the Journal of Materials Science will have a monthly cover illustration taken from work published in a recent issue of the journal. The first ever selection for the cover was of a paper produced by PhD Santiago Pinate as first author, along with co-authors Caterina Zanella and Peter Leisner from JTH’s Department of Materials and Manufacturing. Another co-author was Fredrik Eriksson from Linköping University.

The paper was about the incorporation of particles into a composite layer during electrodeposition. The journal’s editor described the paper as “super work” and “a nice example of “the Tetrahedron of Materials Science (processing, structure, properties and performance).”
