Jönköping University in numbers financial year 2023.

Education on Bachelor's and Master's level

Revenue: 1,139 million SEK
7,882 full-time equivalent students (commissions not included)
61 per cent women.
14,426 registered students.
2,355 awarded degrees.


Revenue: 306 million SEK
52 full professors.
191 doctoral students whereof 61 per cent women.
13 awarded doctoral degrees.


1,980 international students from 100 countries,
whereof 441 are incoming exchange students
and 674 are international programme students,
whereof 307 are fee-paying students.
373 outgoing students.
Approx. 320 partner universities worldwide.


Revenue, commissions: 88 million SEK
800 partner companies and 1,000 research and practicum partnership schools.
153 full-time equivalent students in commissioned education.


818 full-time equivalent employees (56 per cent women).
457 full-time equivalent teachers (54 per cent women),
whereof 283 by teachers with research education (49 per cent women),
whereof 52 by full professors (44 per cent women).


1,139 million SEK revenue for the group whereof 778 million SEK in state funding for the Foundation.