The mission of the Dean's Office:

  • Ensure that laws, regulations, and decisions from the President and Dean are implemented in the operations of the School of Health and Welfare.
  • Monitor external developments and communicate issues of significance to the School of Health and Welfare.
  • Represent the School of Health and Welfare in both external and JU-wide groups/forums.
  • Coordinate the overall operational planning and follow-up of the School of Health and Welfare.
  • Lead and support operational development and quality assurance at the School of Health and Welfare and JU.
  • Be responsible for the School of Health and Welfare’s management and support processes.
  • Provide qualified support to the functions and employees of the School of Health and Welfare.

We who work in the Dean's Office

  • Catherine Legrand

    Dean and managing director
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  • Portträtt av Linda Johansson, tf forskningschef vid Hälsohögskolan

    Linda Johansson

    Associate Dean of Research
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    As the Head of Research, the responsibilities include:

    • Leading and developing research activities at the School of Health and Welfare
    • Ensuring the development and follow-up of research at the School of Health and Welfare, in line with JU’s quality assurance system
    • Ensuring that research at the School of Health and Welfare is conducted in accordance with JU’s overarching regulations and policies for research
    • Reviewing and approving applications for external research funding
    • Leading and coordinating the assessment of docent lectures at the School of Health and Welfare
    • Representing the School of Health and Welfare in matters related to research activities
    • Leading the Research Council and associated committees at the School of Health and Welfare
    • Participating in the management team and leadership council of the School of Health and Welfare
  • Frida Lygnegård

    Head of Reseach Environment
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  • Agneta Stenebrand

    Agneta Stenebrand

    Associate Dean of Education
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    Associatie Dean of Education and overall responsibility for undergraduate education, advanced-level education, commissioned education, and higher vocational education at the School of Health and Welfare.

    As the Head of Education, the responsibilities include:

    • Strategically planning, developing, and following up on education (preparing documentation for the annual educational assignment and its follow-up).
    • Being responsible for the development and follow-up of undergraduate and advanced-level education at the School of Health and Welfare, in line with JU’s quality assurance system.
    • Leading the pedagogical development work at the School of Health and Welfare.
    • Ensuring agreements and pedagogical follow-up related to clinical training in collaboration with stakeholders.
    • Responsibility for overall student and educational administrative matters.
    • Representing the School of Health and Welfare in faculty-wide groups (e.g., JU’s Strategic Council for Education) as well as in national and international contexts concerning educational matters.
    • Leading the Education Council and associated committees.
    • Participating in the management team and leadership council of the School of Health and Welfare.
  • Jenny Dahlkild

    Jenny Dahlkild

    Operations Manager
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    As the Operations Manager, the responsibilities include:

    • Preparing and ensuring the quality of overall plans, investigations, and follow-ups in dialogue with staff at the Dean's Office.
    • Ensuring the existence of effective management and support processes, as well as relevant governance and guiding documents.
    • Coordinating the overall work environment efforts at the School of Health and Welfare, serving as the Chair of the Work Environment Committee, and representing HHJ in the Work Environment Forum at the JU level.
    • Representing HHJ in JU’s Strategic Council for Support and Services.
    • Coordinating matters and development related to HHJ’s facilities.

    Coordinating HHJ’s sustainability efforts and environmental certification.

  • Jan Mårtensson

    Annica Herentz Brobakken

    Deputy Associate Dean of Education
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    As the Deputy Head of Education, the responsibilities include:

    • Developing and organizing various types of commissioned education in collaboration with the departments, such as lectures, credit-bearing courses, non-credit courses, commissioned courses within the regular course offerings, as well as programs and Higher Vocational Education (HVE).
    • Assessing the conditions for commissioned education in collaboration with the relevant department.
    • Monitoring trends and developments related to commissioned education and Higher Vocational Education (HVE).
    • Calculating costs for commissioned education, preparing quotations, or, where applicable, drafting agreements with clients. If necessary, preparing bids.
    • Managing the admission process for participants and handling other course administration in collaboration with study administrators.
    • Initiating inquiries and engaging in client dialogues with potential clients regarding expectations for course structure and implementation.
    • Leading the development of HVE applications in collaboration with partner organizations.
    • Acting as an examiner for the HVE courses conducted by HHJ in cooperation with other educational institutions.
    • Serving as the contact person for theSwedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education and other partners related to HHJ’s Higher Vocational Education programs.
  • Linda Rudelius

    Katarina Bolin

    Project Coordinator
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    I uppdraget som utbildningskoordinator ingår att:

    • Coordinating education-related matters (e.g., admission statistics and educational planning).
    • Providing support in communication between HHJ and HS (study administration, academic advising, admissions, and communications departments).
    • Supporting the Associate Dean of Education and program directors with student and educational matters, as well as with educational administrative quality and development issues.
    • Coordinating the work with decentralized education at the School of Health and Welfare.
  • Sussie Johannesson

    Sussie Johannesson

    Executive Secretary
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    In the role as the Executive Secretary, the following tasks are included:

    • Provide advanced administrative support primarily to the Dean. An important task is to assist the Dean with work planning, coordination of meeting schedules and travel, as well as planning and travel with the management team. The Executive Secretary finalizes Dean decisions, contracts regarding various affiliations, and documentation related to the appointment of Associate Professor.
    • Participate as an administrative support in the board of directors of the School of Health and and Welfare, in the management teams of the School of Health and Welfare and the centre Jönköping Academy for Improvement of Health and Welfare, in Dialogue Meeting and in the Advisory Board, whose mission is to support the management of the School of Health Sciences by contributing expertise and providing advice on strategic directions and decisions in relation to JU's mission.
    • Coordinate activities with national as well as international collaboration partners.
    • Provide support regarding internal and external communication and participate in regular communication meetings.
  • Amanda Hiort af Ornäs

    Administrative Coordinator in Research and Education
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    As Administrative Coordinator in Research and Education, the tasks include:

    • providing administrative support to the Associate Dean of Research, Associate Dean of Education and Deputy Associate Dean of Education.
    • participating in and supporting development projects related to the research and educational activities of the School of Health and Welfare.
    • administering and documenting applications for external research funding.
    • supporting research and educational communication.
    • providing administrative support in the higher vocational and commissioned education activities.
    • coordinating the introduction and graduation for undergraduate and graduate students.
    • coordinating the event Open House for potential students.
  • Lovisa Lidåker

    Director Strategic Development
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    In the role as the Director Strategic Development, the tasks include:

    • Working comprehensively and strategically to develop the operations.
    • Collaborating with the Dean, Associate Dean of Research, Associate Dean of Education, and the Operations Manager on maters related to
      • quality work at the School of Health and Welfare
      • development work to achieve the vision and set goals
      • project management
      • susainability work
      • development and creation of appropriate processes.