Advertise to students
Jönköping University has a job portal in cooperation with JobTeaser. Here you can post ads for jobs, summer jobs, internships, final theses, graduate programmes, projects, and more to our students.
As a company, you have the possibility to advertise for free to Jönköping University's students. Below, you can find guides on how to set up a company profile and create your advertisement.
If you want to post offers to more students in JobTeasers database, you can do it for a cost. More info on JobTeasers website.
Create an advertisement with a recruiter account
1. Click on this link
2. If you already have an account, login with your contact details via
3. Are you a new user? Fill in your email address and proceed.
4. Fill in name and contact details
5. Fill in information about the company that wants to advertise
6. Fill in information about the position. Be clear in your ad if Swedish is a requirement for the position.
7. All done! Your job is now available to the students at Jönköping University!
Create a company profile (recommended for more visibility and features)
1. Click on this link
2. Create an account (unless you already have one, then login via
3. Fill in all the mandatory information, and then click "Create company".
4. Update your information by clicking on "Modify" If you want to post an offer you will do this under "Jobs" and thereafter "Add a job offer"
5. Your company profile is now sent to us for review before being published.
6. All done! You now have a company profile on our job platform where students can get information about your business, You also have the possibility to add events and get statistics.
If you want to add more admins for the company profile, send us an email with contact details (name, title and email adress) and we will make sure to add them to the account!
If there are any questions, send an email to