Jönköping University organises a Suicide Prevention Day 7 September between 09.30-12.00. Welcome to a conference where you can continue to develop knowledge in suicide prevention methods.

If you are interested in attending, you can either participate at the School of Health and Welfare (limited number of participants) or via Zoom.


The following presentations are held in English.

9:30-10:00 Introduction of the JU Suicide Prevention Day 2020 and presentation Holding Hope – An Introduction to Suicide Prevention Practices
Dr. Karl Hedman, Social Work Programme

10:05-10:25 Self-Injury
Dr. Nina Gunnarsson, Social Work Programme

10:30-10:55 Fika break

11:00-11:20 Existential Issues in Suicide Prevention
John Ahlström, Student Pastor

11:25-11:45 Student Health Services
Marie Böwing-Lindström and Ann-Louice Jorikson, Cognitive Behavioural Therapists



Please contact Karl Hedman for further questions:

Do you or someone close to you suffer from mental illness? Do not hesitate to contact these organisations:


Mind Sweden
Suicide Zero