Professor Caterina Zanella giving a lecture on stage in the lecture hall at HLK.

In conjunction with Academic Ceremony, the universitiy's new professors and honorary doctors gives public lectures on Thursday 2 May and Friday 3 May, 2024.


On Thursday 2 May and Friday 3 May the university's new professors and honorary doctors and prize holders will give lectures.

The Thursday public lectures will be given by those professors who will be inaugurated at the Academic Ceremony as well as the winner of the Pedagogical Prize.

You are welcome to Hc113, Tvetasalen or Hb116, Vistasalen at HLK External link, opens in new listen to the lectures.

Hc113 Tvetasalen, School of Education and Communication (HLK)


IT och livslångt lärande: Att navigera i den digitala kunskapsåldern

Thomas Winman - Professor of Pedagogy

Language: Swedish

Hc113 (Tvetasalen)

10.00 - 10.25

Transmedia Storytelling and Social Sustainability

Renira Gambarato - Professor in Media and Communication Studies

Language: English

Hc113 (Tvetasalen)

10.30 - 10.55

Exploring the “Why” of Leadership in different contexts

Daniel Pittino - Professor in Business Administration

Language: English

Hc113 (Tvetasalen)

11.00 - 11.25

Is the digitalization of education friend or foe? Opportunities and challenges for practice and research

Anna-Lena Godhe - Professor of Pedagogy


Language: English

Hc113 (Tvetasalen)

13.00 - 13.25

Developing sustainable materials: the enabler of a carbon neutral society

Ehsan Ghassemali - Professor in Materials and Manufacturing – casting

Language: English

15.15 - 15.40

Hc113 (Tvetasalen)

Hb116 Vistasalen, School of Education and Communication (HLK)


The secret life of institutions: emotions, people and places in the institutional settings

Monika Allgurin - Professor in Social work

Language: English

Hb116 (Vistasalen)

10.00 - 10.25

Intervention research and social work practice

Tina Olsson - Professor in Social Work

Language: English

Hb116 (Vistasalen)

10.30 - 10.55

Patient safety, patient experiences, and technology in health

Gunilla Björling - Professor of Health and Care Sciences


Language: English

Hb116 (Vistasalen)

11.00 - 11.25

Why do People Comply with Laws?


Måns Svensson- Professor in Sociology of Law

Language: English

Hb116 (Vistasalen)

11.30 - 11.55

Plats för ett gott liv – Vilka kvalitéer är viktiga på särskilda boenden för äldre?


Lena Rosenberg - Professor in Occupational Therapy


Language: Svenska

Hb116 (Vistasalen)

13.30 - 13.55

Simulering, mer än bara lek


Björn Erfors - lecturer at the School of Health and Welfare and prizewinner of JU's pedagogical prize

Language: Swedish

Hb116 (Vistasalen)

14.00 - 14.30

The Friday public lectures will be given by JU's newly appointed honorary doctors.

Welcome to JMW salen in the University Library.


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Mian Lodalen - author, freelance journalist, columnist, and a frequently sought-after speaker

Moderator: Eleonor Fransson, Dean of Research at School of Health and Welfare

Language: Swedish

10.00 - 10.50

Urban Science and Climate Adaptation


José Lobo - Associate Clinical Professor at the School of Sustainability, College of Global Futures, Arizona State University

Moderator: Charlotta Mellander, professor in Economics

Language: English

11.00 - 11.50