Full Professors 2016
The following professors have been inaugurated at Jönköping University 21 May 2016.

School of Education and Communication
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Education
Peter Berglez, Media and Communication Studies
School of Engineering
Salem Seifeddine, Materials and Manufacturing, with a special focus on Mechanical Metallurgy
Mats Winroth, Production Systems
Fredrik Elgh, Product Development
Ulf Johansson, Computer Science
Per Hilletofth, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Jönköping International Business School
Francesco Chirico, Business Administration, with a special focus on Strategy and Family Business
Christina Keller, Informatics, with a special focus on Online Learning
Lucia Naldi, Business Administration, with a special focus on Entrepreneurship
Pär Sjölander, Econometrics