Jönköping University can change your life

My time at the university has been an educational adventure and a boost for my career.”

Johnny Nguyen graduated from high school in 2021 and decided to start his career journey at Jönköping University (JU) right after high school where he was set to study his Bachelor’s degree in Media and Communication Science at the School of Education and Communication (HLK). Now, he is studying his last semester at HLK and getting ready for the next chapter in his career.

Why did you choose to study in Jönköping, even though you come from Stockholm?

In the beginning, I wanted to study at a design college in Stockholm but had thoughts on the possibility of studying in other cities where I could develop and take on more responsibilities. I felt a strong will to challenge myself to take the next step and live in a new town, leaving the culture of Stockholm and the tough job competition in the big city behind me.

During my last days of high school, when it was time to apply for higher education, I started to receive a lot of ads from JU on social media. It felt like they wanted to give me a fantastic opportunity to change my life and make my dreams come true. I was especially drawn to JUs slogan “This is JU, we create your curiosity. In addition, the idea that Jönköping was close to other big cities attracted me – Jönköping can almost be seen as the center for them all.

How have you changed since you started studying?

My personality has changed a lot. I’ve become braver, and I’ve dared to open myself up more to new things. I understand myself even more and I’ve built up my self-confidence, which allows me to take on more challenges.

Can you mention some memories that are special to you?

One of the most memorable moments at the university was my second year, especially my third semester. I started the semester as a volunteer photographer during kick-off and had the chance to work behind the scenes during the Kick Off Festival. When the semester started, I was able to immerse myself more in the direction of the programme I had chosen. Getting to do what I was passionate about was incredibly fun and educational.

What do you think is unique about JU compared to other universities?

When I started at Jönköping University, I quickly noticed the community among the students. The university offered a lot of activities, from sports to fashion, that made it easy to make new friends. I quickly became interested in getting more involved and joined the university´s advertising agency. It became an important part of my life, where I could develop my skills and work on exciting projects. Kick-Off was also a highlight and good chance to get to know the city and make new friends, which made me and my classmates close. I usually say, the best thing about studying at JU is the strong community and the many activities that create a unique study experience. Although Jönköping is not as big as Stockholm or Gothenburg, everyone can really find their place here and create memories for life.
