The path to an international career begins at JU

"I see the university's international reputation growing even stronger, making it the foremost educational destination in the Nordics for students seeking to broaden their horizons in a truly international setting."

Emil Jungåker, who studied Media and Communication Science from 2003 to 2006 and also served as Student Union President, began his career in Jönköping before pursuing an international path. Today, Emil leads LinkedIn's global sales team. With over 15 years of leadership experience in both national and international sales, he and his outstanding team guide clients to leverage the world's largest professional network. They are passionate about their mission: empowering individuals and organizations to achieve their full potential and create economic opportunities for the global workforce.

Emil's expertise encompasses leadership, sales strategies, effective communication, and storytelling. In addition to his professional pursuits, he is driven by his passions as a dedicated sports enthusiast, entrepreneur, and investor. Sharing his insights and experiences with various audiences brings him great joy and he is always eager to connect and collaborate with like-minded individuals who share his enthusiasm and vision for the future.

How did your education at Jönköping University prepare you for your career in leadership and sales?

My time at JU was decisive for my career. I learned an endless amount about communication and leadership, which awakened the passion for those very things within me. The opportunity to share campus with such a multicultural student group was incredibly inspiring.

Can you share a memorable experience from your time at JU that has had a lasting impact on your professional journey?

One thing I remember well is a group work we did where we competed against each other in groups to build and present a marketing plan. Everything was led brilliantly by our teacher Ulf Linnman who had an outstanding ability to inspire. I remember how I loved the challenge and how it lit a flame within me. From that day on, I've been almost obsessed with building winning teams that have fun together.

How has your international background influenced your career?

I think this has meant that I have always brought the global perspective with me in what I do. There is so much to learn from so many around the world. In addition, I strongly believe in constantly trying to expand one's world. Whether it's about meeting new people, seeing new places or daring to try new things. The more your world grows, the more you grow as an individual.

As an entrepreneur and investor, how do you identify and exploit new opportunities in the ever-changing global marketplace?

For me, everything is about people. Ideas, companies, industries, everything has a human at its core. I have the privilege of meeting a lot of people around the world and with them exciting opportunities arise. When it comes to evaluating opportunities, I try to find out as much as I can through people who know more than me and then decide if I think I will be able to contribute to the success of the company in question.

What advice would you give to current students and alumni interested in pursuing a career in leadership, sales or entrepreneurship?

Make use of your university years to build as large a network as possible. Expand your world by learning new things, meeting new people, discovering new cultures, traveling to new places. Don't forget, you grow along with your world.

What does Jönköping University mean to you?

JU is incredibly close to my heart. I realize what an incredible impact my time had on my life both personally and professionally. Unfortunately, I don't visit as often as I would like, but when I am there, it feels like home. JU was the start of thoughts about an international career. I met so many amazing people from different places and I realized how small my world had been up to that time in my life. The fact that I met my wife as well as the mother of my two children thanks to JU means of course that the university has a very special place in my heart.

Do you have any advice you could give students that want to start an international career?

Expand your world - one opportunity at a time. The world has a lot to offer but do not take opportunities for granted! Get out of your comfort zone and take every opportunity you get. Simply - dare!

Where do you see JU in 30 years?

If I were to predict the future, I think that university will strenghten its international profile even more and is going to become one of the leading academic institutions in the Nordic countries for students that want to expand their horizons in a truly international setting.
