Caring for children with Neuro developmental disorder in high technological health care settings
Neuro developmental disorder is an umbrella term for a group of conditions that affects the children’s daily life. Children with neuro developmental disorder are frequent visitors to health care, such as anesthesia and radiographic departments. Many times, these children need anesthesia for procedures other children can undertake without sedation or anesthesia. Guidelines and a checklist for the care of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have been developed in a previous research project, “Developing guidelines in Nursing care of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in high technological health care settings” Gimbler Berglund I. (2017).
The aim of the intervention project is to reduce procedural anxiety for children with ASD, and the primary care givers experience of family centered care performed by health care professionals before and after intervention. The participating clinics will use the guidelines and checklist to facilitate the encounter with the children and their families. The Health care professionals will participate in an educational program.
Contact person: Emelie Pettersson