International Office works with internationalisation aspects such as student and teacher/staff mobility, as well as other kinds of international cooperation.

The staff of International Office is responsible for the exchange agreements the four schools at Jönköping University have with its partner universities. International Office works closely with the schools, helping them reach their mutual goal of increased internationalisation. 

International Office is divided into different teams, amongst others Team OUT (students from JU going on an exchange) and Team IN (students from our partner universities coming to JU).

Curious to know more about exchange studies? Come and meet with International Office!

21 May 12.00 - 13.00

International Office will be standing outside the library so come and have a chat with us to learn more about exchange studies. You can also win prizes from JU or our partner universities!

Contact us via the links below or visit us during the drop in online or at Service Center on campus

Weekly Drop-in

DROP-IN and International Office closed: 9 - 10 May

At Service Center : Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:30 - 12:30

Drop-in online: Thursdays, 11.30-12.30

Send us a case

Outgoing Students: Choose "Outgoing Exchange"

Incoming Students: Choose "Incoming Exchange"

For agreements and partnership questions

Jönköping International Business School

School of Engineering

School of Education and Communication

School of Health and Welfare

External funding