All Peer-reviewed Publications
Publications about coproduction from our ICoHN team
Englander R, Holmboe E, Batalden P, et al. Coproducing health professions education: a prerequisite to coproducing health care services?
External link, opens in new window. Academic Medicine 2019.
Fjeldstad Ø, Johnson J, Margolis P, et al. Networked health care: rethinking value creation in learning health care systems
External link, opens in new window.. Learning Health Systems 2019.
Elwyn G, Nelson E, Hager A, et al. Coproduction: when users define quality
External link, opens in new window.. BMJ Quality & Safety 2019.
Batalden P. Getting more health from healthcare: quality improvement must acknowledge patient coproduction
External link, opens in new window.. BMJ 2018.
Radl-Karimi C, Nicolaisen A, Sodemann M, et al. Coproduction of healthcare service with immigrant patients: protocol of a scoping review
External link, opens in new window.. BMJ Open 2018.
Batalden M, Batalden P, Margolis P, et al. Coproduction of healthcare service
External link, opens in new window.. BMJ Quality & Safety 2016.
Nelson EC, Dixon-Woods M, Batalden PB, et al. Patient focused registries can improve health, care, and science
External link, opens in new window.. BMJ 2016.
Kremer JA, Van Der Eijk M, Aarts JW, et al. The individual formerly known as patient
External link, opens in new window.. Minerva Med 2011.