Research Projects
Ongoing projects
- Al-MMC (ProForAl) - Egenskaper och formbarhet hos Al-SiCp MMC
- ALL4HYDRO II - Legeringsutveckling för väterelaterade applikationer
- A-tu-C - Alloy development for turbines (similar CTE as waspaloy)
- Augmented Lagrangian Methods
- Balbas - Bränslecell med Aluminium som basmaterial
- Cleancon II - Clean Construction Machinery - Främja användningen av nollemissionsarbetsmaskiner inom bygg- och anläggningsprojekt och kommunal drift samt driva på marknaden genom upphandling och dialog inom hela aktörskedjan.
- Comptech forskarskolan (Starts)
- CO2-snålt Aluminium NOCOAL (=Locoal)
- EICAl - corrosion fatigue of recycled Al
- FeMMaC
- HEeGg - Hållbart och Energieffektivt Gjutgods - Projektet syftar till att utveckla metoder för att använda återvunnen aluminium för kostnadseffektiv tillverkning av komponenter. Verifieringstekniker kvalitetssäkrar den smälta metallen inför gjutning för att tillverka återvunna komponenter med hög och jämn kvalitet. Projektet har goda möjligheter att öka resurseffektiviteten genom att recirkulera aluminium och öka återvinningsgraden.
- KlimAl
- KliRAl - Climate adapted purified Al
- KOMPLÄTT - Casting education
- LCF-PP - Low carbon footprint Polypropylene for sustainable development and circular economy
- LISA - Sustainability of Al alloys (feasibility study)
- LOWEAR - Low density steels for wear resistance
- MaReAl - Brake discs with recycled Al alloys
- NOVELA II – Ny lättviktslegering baserad på högentropikonceptet
- PolyComp - Lektor inom polymerer och polymerkompositer – strategisk rekrytering
- RECASTing - High entropy steels by recycling
- RESA - Reducerad elanvändning i smälthanteringsprocessen hos aluminiumgjuterier
- SMART - In-situ tensile testing of repaired Ti components
Finished projects
- 3DSURF - Surface quality and challenges in 3D printed metals
- ALighT - ALloy development for High Temperature applications using the high entropy concept
- ALigHT II - ALloy development for High Temperature applications using the high entropy concept; part II
- ALSCRAM - ALuminium Sheet with high Secondary Content
- ALTOS - ALuminium Two O five Structures
- AusCGI -Tribological and mechanical performance of Austempered Compacted Graphite Iron.
- Brazing overmoulding
- CastDesign
- CompCAST - High performance cast component
- CompCAst Plus - fatigue performance of cast component
- DEC-HEF (Design and ElectroCrystallization of High Entropy thin Films)
- E-joint
- E-mindes - Electrochemical processing methodologies and corrosion protection for device and systems miniaturization.
- Extreme - Development and industrialization of high performance aluminium components for extreme environments
- FatSS
- FunDisCo - Functional dispersion coatings
- Gjuteriteknologi
- Gjutmagistern 3.0 - Foundry Master Program
- HINT - High INTegrity cast components in Al‐Si alloys
- IMPACT - Improving the Melting operation for higher Performing Aluminium ComponenT
- InDeGrainS
- IRAP – Internationell Gästprofessor
- ISS - 2 - Measurement of viscosity in molten/metal systems and impact on interfacial phenomena under gravity and microgravity-Phase 2
- Lean Cast
- LUMA contineuos W µ-wire plating
- MACS - Development of MMC for high performance aluminium components
- mCBBEs - Advanced integrative solutions to corrosion problems beyond micro–scale: towards long-term durability of miniaturized Biomedical, Electronic and Energy systems.
- MeMoI - Casting defect formation mechanisms at metal/mould interface
- NGFS - New Generation of Foundry Sands
- ODISSEE - Optimal Design using Integrated Simulation baSed EnginEering
- ODISSEE2 - Optimal Design using Integrated Simulation baSed engineering, del 2
- Optiheat - Optimized heat treatment for cast aluminium component
- PROCETS - Protective composite Coatings via Electrodeposition and Thermal Spray.
- OMQAL - Development of advanced tool of melt quality assessment for improvement of aluminium component
- Recka
- ReOPTIC - Research in geometry OPTImization of Cast components for weight efficient structures
- SelfClean 7e ramprog EU SME
- SIGMA-Mecer
- Smart Industry (with Comptech)
- The increase of recycled aluminium in extruded products
- ToolAddict - Enabling tools by additive manufacturing as a competitive technology
- TripleA
- VastIron
- WEBLEARN - Webinars for lifelong learning