
Wednesday 14/10
Time | Activity |
12 pm | Registration and lunch |
1 pm | Official opening |
Welcoming speech: Stephan Rapp, Dean and Academic Leader of the School of Education and Communication | |
About ELOA: Bernhard Schmidt Hertha, Universität Tübingen, Germany | |
About ESREA: Sofia Nyström, Linköping University, Sweden | |
1:15 pm | Key note paper |
Supporting older workers in Europe: roles for learning and skills: John Field | |
2:15 pm | Passion for life - A study circle about entering new stages in life Anette Nilsson |
Qulturum – Center for Learning and Innovation in Healthcare The County Council of Jönköping | |
2:30 | Fika |
3 pm | Parallel session 1 |
HC113 Work, policy and lifelong learning. | |
Chair: Bernhard Schmidth-Hertha, University of Tübingen. | |
HB117 Technology and learning later in life. | |
Chair: Tiina Taumbaum, Tallinn University. | |
5 pm | Mingle |
Thursday 15/10
Time | Activity |
9 am | Keynote paper |
What’s an app? Me and my 'personal learning environment' (PLE): Barry Hake | |
10 am | Fika |
10:30 am | Parallel paper session 2 |
Hb117 Adolt learning, policy & practice | |
Chair: Małgorzata Malec Rawinski, University of Wrocław | |
Hc114 Learning in later life | |
Chair: Alexandra Withnall, University of Warwick | |
12 pm | Lunch |
1 pm | Keynote paper |
What next? Learning and the 'age of no retirement': Jane Watts | |
2 pm | Parallel paper session 3 |
Hb117 Later life development | |
Chair: Barbara Baschiera, University of Malta | |
Hc114 Learning and wellbeing | |
Chair: Marica Ciccarelli, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio | |
3 pm | Discussion |
Hc114 The Cultural Routes Programme | |
Chair: Dominique Kern, Université de Haute Alsace | |
4 pm | Book release |
The Men's Shed Movement: The Company of Men: Barry Golding | |
5 pm | Social event: Visit the Husqvarna Museum |
7 pm | Conference dinner |
Friday 16/10
Time | Activity |
9 am | Parallel paper session 4 |
Hc114 Intergenerational learning | |
Chair: Irena Zemaitaityte, Mykolas Romeris University | |
10 am | Fika |
10:30 am | Key note paper |
Late life learning - a class of its own: Satya Brink | |
11:30 am | Key note panel discussion |
Lifelong learning later in life: Ann-Kristin Boström, John Field, Sabina Jelenc and Bernhard Schmidt Hertha | |
12 pm | Closing session |
Click here to see more info about the parallel session activities Pdf, 38.3 kB.
This version is submitted the 13th of October.