Call for papers

The 22nd Conference on Nordic Intercultural Communication will be held at Jönköping University 26-28 November 2015. It is arranged by The Nordic Network for Intercultural Communication (NIC) together with The School of Education and Communication and the SCCIIL Center at the University of Gothenburg.
The special themes of this year’s conference are Education, Risk and Conflict but, as always, other topics and themes related to intercultural communication are also welcome.
Intercultural Communication: Education
Intercultural communication encompasses a range of different areas of study on many different levels, such as language teaching and learning, business, literature, sociology, media & communication, etc. Concerns of the 22nd NIC conference in Jönköping include (but are not limited to) the following questions:
- Why is Intercultural Communication important in educational contexts?
- How can we co-operate between different educational systems, structures, disciplines and methodological frameworks?
- How do we move forward with an enhanced focus on intercultural communication in different academic areas (e.g. proficiency, literature and culture)?
Intercultural Communication: Risk and Conflict
Intercultural communication can be studied in many different settings, from everyday situations to critical incidents or large-scale international conflicts. Intercultural communication, in itself, is therefore associated with many different kinds of practical problems and outcomes; sometimes it is seen as a source of conflict, sometimes as a tool for solving problems. Concerns of the 22nd NIC Conference in Jönköping include (but are not limited to) the following topics:
- communication in safety-critical practices of internationalimportance, e.g. medical practice, police or military operations, or international institutions
- communication in cultural or international conflicts, e.g. in international treaties, at multicultural workplaces, or between minorities and mainstream society
- risks and opportunities of intercultural practice, e.g. in international businesses, for teamwork, e.g. in R&D
- intercultural communication in situations of immediate crisis or risk, e.g. community or corporate crises, rescue missions, or technical breakdowns
Special session on Literature and Cultural Transfer November 27
In combination with the conference we would like to invite researchers from various academic disciplines to a special session on intercultural communication from a literary perspective. Literature studies of today include “languaging” more than one language, “culturing” more than one culture, “mediation” more than one medium, and reach beyond disciplinary borders.
The overarching area of interest for the symposium is cultural transfer – a general concept that can be used in connection with cultural aspects and transferral processes, whether the focus is on contents, shapes or forms. The area could include, but is not restricted to, such vast subjects as: world literature, transnationalism, (cultural) translation, hybridity, reception, various narrative perspectives, media, multimodality, cosmopolitanism, memory, and tradition.
If you are interested in participating in the symposium, please, register for the conference and note on your abstract that you would like to participate in the special session on literature and cultural transfer.
If you have any questions regarding this symposium, please contact:
Ylva Lindberg:
Anette Svensson:
Submit abstract
Participants wishing to present a paper are invited to submit an abstract (maximum 300 words including title). The author’s name, institution, address and email should be presented on a separate sheet together with title of the paper.
The date for submission of abstracts has been extended until November 10.
All abstracts are to be submitted to
The conference will be held in English.
Do not forget to register for the conference. Register here.