Diversity and equal opportunity in metal component manufacturing sector
Metal industry (and the academic sector) has historically been one of the male-dominated industries, making it not easy for female pioneers to overcome prejudice and cultural barriers to advance their careers. Various reports indicate total female participation in this sector being around or below 30%. In board of directors or supervisory boards, it is even worse, with less than 20% on average. These figures are worrying since they do not convey the benefits of diversity and equal opportunity, thus affecting the efficiency potential in both academia and industry. It also has adverse effects on talent attraction to the field.
In this webinar, we will go through different aspects of diversity and equal opportunities, including gender study theories, and some related personal experiences from academic and industrial perspectives. The webinar follows with a case study on practising diversity and equal opportunity in the industry.
After these presentations, we will have a panel discussion to brainstorm ways to promote more diversity in academia and industry. We much welcome contributions tothe debate from you, the audience.
Date: Nov. 10, 2022
Time: 10:00-11:00 (+ 30 min panel discussion)
After attending this webinar you will know more about:
- Lack of diversity and equal opportunity in metal industry and academia: the elephant in the room!
- Case studies on how to promote diversity in work environments
- How to ensure a balanced and diversified work environment
Targeted audience: all engineers and scientists in the field of metal industry; representatives from municipalities and associations, managers and HRs are also welcomed.
- Professor Materials and Manufacturing - Casting
- School of Engineering
- ehsan.ghassemali@ju.se
- +46 36-10 1692

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Department manager, Aftertreatment
Department manager, Melting Shop
Department manager, Moulding Line
- Professor surface technology
- School of Engineering
- caterina.zanella@ju.se
- +46 36-10 1691