Vasile-Lucian Diaconu

Assistant Professor


Vasile Lucian Diaconu is working in the area of cast iron research. He is aiming to understand phenomena of casting production, changing in the microstructure of different cast iron types. At the same time he is interested in the investigation of mechanical properties of cast irons at high temperatures, i.e. thermo-mechanical fatigue.


Lucian started his studies in the area of materials engineering in Bucharest. He obtained a scholarship to continue them in Hungary, and finished in Miskolc with a diploma for foundry engineering. After a small break and a time that he didn’t work in the branch he started his doctoral studies at University of Miskolc. Lucian became a PhD defending the thesis “The molybdenum alloying effect onto the thermomechanical fatigue properties of cast iron” in December 2012


Now he is working as Researcher at the department "Materials and manufacturing" at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University in the area of cast iron research.