Ehsan Ghassemali

Professor material och tillverkning - gjutning
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Since almost 15 years ago, Prof. Ghassemali's main research focus is generally on the correlation between microstructure and mechanical (and thermal) properties of metallic alloys. This is an essential knowledge required for modern material development, which is the primary interest of Ehsan. To complete the chain of knowledge transfer into real applications, his final goal in each research is to bridge the experimental knowledge and finite element simulation, for process optimization as well as material properties prediction.

Particular focus is on conducting 2D and 3D electron-microscopy research and in-situ investigation of the mechanical behavior of cast alloys using Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD) technique. A better understanding of how industrial alloys respond to external stimuli can create strategies for developing materials with desired properties from the micro-scale up. Specifically, material properties during the manufacturing process are studied, including crack initiation/propagation and failure analysis in micro-scale. The research is conducted in close cooperation with European industry.

Apart from those, areas of interest for Dr. Ghassemali also include high-entropy alloys, macro/micro-forming processes, testing and characterization techniques, grain refinement techniques, heat-treatment, modern physical and mechanical metallurgy, molecular dynamics, and finite element simulation.

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Di Egidio, G., Martini, C., Ghassemali, E., Morri, A. (2025). Electroless Ni-P + diamond-like carbon multilayer: Influence on tribological behaviour of AlSi10Mg produced by powder bed fusion - Laser beam Wear, 566-567. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioglu, M., Jarfors, A., Ghassemali, E. (2024). A simple procedure to assess the Complete Melt Quality in aluminium castings: implementation in a die-casting and a rheo-casting International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 37(1), 71-79. More information
Mohammadi Zahrani, M., Ranjbarnodeh, E., Ketabchi, M., Ghassemali, E. (2024). Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of laser-welded joints of 1.2 GPa-class quenching and partitioning steel Optics and Laser Technology, 170. More information
Rolseth, A., Carlsson, M., Ghassemali, E., Pérez Caro, L., Jarfors, A. (2024). Impact of functional integration and electrification on aluminium scrap in the automotive sector: A review Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 205. More information
Ousiabou, B., Ooi, S., Javaheri, V., Ghassemali, E. (2024). On accelerated design, and characterization of a hydrogen-embrittlement tolerant Mn-Steel Engineering Failure Analysis, 162. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2024). The impact of HIP process and heat treatment on the mechanical behaviour of an Al–Si–Mg alloy component International Journal of metalcasting, 18, 2882-2892. More information
Di Egidio, G., Martini, C., Börjesson, J., Ghassemali, E., Ceschini, L., Morri, A. (2023). Dry sliding behavior of AlSi10Mg alloy produced by Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion: influence of heat treatment and microstructure Wear, 516-517. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioğlu, M., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E. (2023). On the combined effects of surface quality and pore size on the fatigue life of Al–7Si–3Cu–Mg alloy castings Materials Science & Engineering: A, 885. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Börjesson, J., Seifeddine, S., Tiryakioğlu, M., Ghassemali, E. (2023). On the secondary cracks during crack propagation in an Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy: An in-situ study Materials Characterization, 203. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Tiryakioglu, M., Liljenfors, T., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E. (2023). On the Effectiveness of Rotary Degassing of Recycled Al-Si Alloy Melts: The Effect on Melt Quality and Energy Consumption for Melt Preparation Sustainability, 15(6). More information
Di Egidio, G., Martini, C., Börjesson, J., Ghassemali, E., Ceschini, L., Morri, A. (2023). Influence of Microstructure on Fracture Mechanisms of the Heat-Treated AlSi10Mg Alloy Produced by Laser-Based Powder Bed Fusion Materials, 16(5). More information
Conway, P., Klaver, T., Steggo, J., Ghassemali, E. (2022). High entropy alloys towards industrial applications: High-throughput screening and experimental investigation Materials Science & Engineering: A, 830. More information
Ghassemali, E., Conway, P. (2022). High-Throughput CALPHAD: A Powerful Tool Towards Accelerated Metallurgy. More information
Akhavan Attar, A., Alavi Nia, A., Mazaheri, Y., Ghassemali, E. (2022). High Strength-Elongation Balance in Warm Accumulative Roll Bonded AA1050 Sheets Metals and Materials International, 28, 346-360. More information
Pinate, S., Ghassemali, E., Zanella, C. (2022). Strengthening mechanisms and wear behavior of electrodeposited Ni–SiC nanocomposite coatings Journal of Materials Science, 57(35), 16632-16648. More information
Jandaghi, M., Pouraliakbar, H., Fallah, V., Ghassemali, E., Saboori, A., Pavese, M. (2022). Additive manufacturing of nano-oxide decorated AlSi10Mg composites: A comparative study on Gd2O3 and Er2O3 additions Materials Characterization, 192. More information
Ashrafi, H., Shamanian, M., Emadi, R., Aghili, S., Ghassemali, E. (2022). Damage Micromechanisms in Friction Stir-Welded DP600 Steel during Uniaxial Tensile Deformation Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print), 31, 10044-10053. More information
Ghatei-Kalashami, A., Ghassemali, E., DiGiovanni, C., Goodwin, F., Zhou, N. (2022). Liquid metal embrittlement cracking behavior in iron-zinc (Fe/Zn) couple: Comparison of ferritic and austenitic microstructures Materials letters (General ed.), 324. More information
Khorshidi, H., Kermanpur, A., Rastegari, H., Ghassemali, E., Somani, M. (2021). Design of a hot deformation processing map for a Ni-free, N-bearing austenitic stainless steel Materials Today Communications, 27. More information
Akhavan Attar, A., Alavi Nia, A., Mazaheri, Y., Ghassemali, E. (2021). Improving the fracture toughness of multi-layered commercial pure aluminum via warm accumulative roll bonding The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 116, 3603-3617. More information
Ghatei-Kalashami, A., Ghassemali, E., DiGiovanni, C., Goodwin, F., Zhou, N. (2021). Occurrence of liquid-metal-embrittlement in a fully ferritic microstructure Materialia, 15. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L., Merlin, M., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2021). The complex interaction between microstructural features and crack evolution during cyclic testing in heat-treated Al–Si–Mg–Cu cast alloys Materials Science & Engineering: A, 825. More information
Hernando, J., Elfsberg, J., Ghassemali, E., Dahle, A., Diószegi, A. (2020). The role of primary austenite morphology in hypoeutectic compacted graphite iron alloys International Journal of metalcasting, 14(3), 745-754. More information
Ashrafi, H., Shamanian, M., Emadi, R., Ghassemali, E. (2020). Void formation and plastic deformation mechanism of a cold-rolled dual-phase steel during tension Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 33, 299-306. More information
Mazaheri, Y., Jahanara, A., Sheikhi, M., Ghassemali, E. (2020). On the simultaneous improving of strength and elongation in dual phase steels via cold rolling Metals, 10(12), 1-16. More information
Sreekanth, S., Ghassemali, E., Hurtig, K., Joshi, S., Andersson, J. (2020). Effect of direct energy deposition process parameters on single-track deposits of alloy 718 Metals, 10(1). More information
Sainis, S., Roșoiu, S., Ghassemali, E., Zanella, C. (2020). The role of microstructure and cathodic intermetallics in localised deposition mechanism of conversion compounds on Al (Si, Fe, Cu) alloy Surface & Coatings Technology, 402. More information
Zamani, M., Belov, I., Sjölander, E., Bjurenstedt, A., Ghassemali, E., Seifeddine, S. (2020). Study on dissolution of Al2Cu in al-4.3cu and a205 cast alloys Metals, 10(7), 1-17. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L., Merlin, M., Ghassemali, E., Seifeddine, S. (2020). The influence of copper addition on crack initiation and propagation in an Al–Si–Mg alloy during cyclic testing Materialia, 12. More information
Bjurenstedt, A., Ghassemali, E., Seifeddine, S., Dahle, A. (2019). The effect of Fe-rich intermetallics on crack initiation in cast aluminium: an in-situ tensile study Materials Science & Engineering: A, 756, 502-507. More information
Hajiannia, I., Shamanian, M., Atapour, M., Ashiri, R., Ghassemali, E. (2019). The assessment of second pulse effects on the microstructure and fracture behavior of the resistance spot welding in advanced ultrahigh-strength steel TRIP1100 , 16(2), 79-88. More information
Hernando, J., Elfsberg, J., Ghassemali, E., Dahle, A., Diószegi, A. (2019). The effect of coarsening of primary austenite on the ultimate tensile strength of hypoeutectic compacted graphite Fe-C-Si alloys Scripta Materialia, 168, 33-37. More information
Rasouli, D., Kermanpur, A., Ghassemali, E., Najafizadeh, A. (2019). On the reversion and recrystallization of austenite in the interstitially alloyed Ni-free nano/ultrafine grained austenitic stainless steels Metals and Materials International, 25(4), 846-859. More information
Vahiddastjerdi, H., Rezaeian, A., Toroghinejad, M., Dini, G., Ghassemali, E. (2019). Optimizing pulsed Nd: YAG laser welding of high-Mn TWIP steel using response surface methodology technique Optics and Laser Technology, 120. More information
Ghassemali, E., Hernando, J., Stefanescu, D., Diószegi, A., Jarfors, A., Dluhoš, J., Petrenec, M. (2019). Revisiting the graphite nodule in ductile iron Scripta Materialia, 161, 66-69. More information
Hajiannia, I., Shamanian, M., Atapour, M., Ghassemali, E., Ashiri, R. (2018). A microstructure evaluation of different areas of resistance spot welding on ultra-high strength TRIP1100 steel , 5(1). More information
Dini, H., Svoboda, A., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E., Lindgren, L., Jarfors, A. (2018). Optimization and validation of a dislocation density based constitutive model for as-cast Mg-9%Al-1%Zn Materials Science & Engineering: A, 710, 17-26. More information
Riestra, M., Bjurenstedt, A., Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E. (2018). Complexities in the assessment of melt quality International Journal of metalcasting, 12(3), 441-448. More information
Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Diószegi, A. (2018). On the Formation of Micro-Shrinkage Porosities in Ductile Iron Cast Components , 8(7). More information
Hajiannia, I., Shamanian, M., Atapour, M., Ghassemali, E., Saeidi, N. (2018). Development of Ultrahigh Strength TRIP Steel Containing High Volume Fraction of Martensite and Study of the Microstructure and Tensile Behavior Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 71(6), 1360-1367. More information
Sujakhu, S., Castagne, S., Sakaguchi, M., Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Wang, W. (2018). On the fatigue damage micromechanisms in Si-solution-strengthened spheroidal graphite cast iron Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 41(3), 625-641. More information
Ghasemi, R., Elmquist, L., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Jarfors, A. (2018). Abrasion resistance of lamellar graphite iron: Interaction between microstructure and abrasive particles Tribology International, 120, 465-475. More information
Kasvayee, K., Ciavatta, M., Ghassemali, E., Svensson, I., Jarfors, A. (2018). Effect of Boron and Cross-Section Thickness on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ductile Iron Materials Science Forum, 925, 249-256. More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Sujakhu, S., Castagne, S., Jarfors, A. (2018). Microstructural strain mapping during in-situ cyclic testing of ductile iron Materials Characterization, 140, 333-339. More information
Ghassemali, E., Sonkusare, R., Biswas, K., Gurao, N. (2018). Dynamic precipitation at elevated temperatures in a dual-phase AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy: an in situ study Philosophical Magazine Letters, 98(9), 400-409. More information
Wójcik, N. Jonson, B. Möncke, D. Palles, D. Kamitsos, E. Ghassemali, E. , ... Ali S. (2018). Influence of synthesis conditions on glass formation, structure and thermal properties in the Na2O-CaO-P2O5 system doped with Si3N4 and Mg Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 494, 66-77. More information
Ghassemali, E., Sonkusare, R., Biswas, K., Gurao, N. (2017). In-situ study of crack initiation and propagation in a dual phase AlCoCrFeNi high entropy alloy Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 710, 539-546. More information
Riestra, M., Ghassemali, E., Bogdanoff, T., Seifeddine, S. (2017). Interactive effects of grain refinement, eutectic modification and solidification rate on tensile properties of Al-10Si alloy Journal of materials processing & manufacturing science (Print), 703, 270-279. More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Svensson, I., Olofsson, J., Jarfors, A. (2017). Characterization and modeling of the mechanical behavior of high silicon ductile iron Materials Science & Engineering: A, 708, 159-170. More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Sujakhu, S., Castagne, S., Jarfors, A. (2017). Strain localization and crack formation effects on stress-strain response of ductile iron Materials Science & Engineering: A, 702, 265-271. More information
Ghatei Kalashami, A., Kermanpur, A., Ghassemali, E., Najafizadeh, A., Mazaheri, Y. (2017). The effect of Nb on texture evolutions of the ultrafine-grained dual-phase steels fabricated by cold rolling and intercritical annealing Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 694, 1026-1035. More information
Hernando, J., Ghassemali, E., Diószegi, A. (2017). The morphological evolution of primary austenite during isothermal coarsening Materials Characterization, 131, 492-499. More information
Rastegari, H., Kermanpur, A., Najafizadeh, A., Somani, M., Porter, D., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2016). Determination of processing maps for the warm working of vanadium microalloyed eutectoid steels Materials Science and Engineering: A, 658, 167-175. More information
Zamani, M., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E. (2016). Effect of cooling rate and eutectic modification on texture and grain structure of Al-Si-Cu-Mg die cast alloy La Metallurgia Italiana, 108(6), 5-8 Milano: Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia . More information
Ghatei Kalashami, A., Kermanpur, A., Ghassemali, E., Najafizadeh, A., Mazaheri, Y. (2016). Correlation of microstructure and strain hardening behavior in the ultrafine-grained Nb-bearing dual phase steels Materials Science & Engineering: A, 678, 215-226. More information
Kasvayee, K., Salomonsson, K., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2016). Microstructural strain distribution in ductile iron: Comparison between finite element simulation and digital image correlation measurements Materials Science & Engineering: A, 655, 27-35. More information
Matsushita, T., Ghassemali, E., Saro, A., Elmquist, L., Jarfors, A. (2015). On Thermal Expansion and Density of CGI and SGI Cast Irons Metals, 5(2), 1000-1019. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Wahb, C., Lim, S., Jarfors, A. (2015). Effect of cold-work on the Hall–Petch breakdown in copper based micro-components Mechanics of materials, 80, part A, 124-135. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Lim, S., Wah, C., Jarfors, A. (2014). Experimental and Simulation of Friction Effects in an Open-Die Microforging/Extrusion Process , 2(1), 011005-. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Chua, B., Jarfors, A., Lim, S. (2013). Grain size and workpiece dimension effects on material flow in an open-die micro-forging/extrusion process Materials Science & Engineering: A, 582(10), 379-388. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Jarfors, A., Lim, S. (2013). Progressive microforming process: Towards the mass production of micro-parts using sheet metal The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 66(5-8), 611-621. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Jarfors, A., Lim, S. (2013). Optimization of axisymmetric open-die micro-forging/extrusion processes: An upper bound approach International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 71, 58-67. More information
Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Tan, M., Lim, S. (2013). On the microstructure of micro-pins manufactured by a novel progressive microforming process International Journal of Material Forming, 6(1), 65-74. More information
Ghassemali, E., Kermanpur, A., Najafizadeh, A. (2010). Microstructural Evolution in a Low Carbon Steel During Cold Rolling and Subsequent Annealing Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(9), 6177-6181. More information
Kermanpur, A., Ghassemali, E., Salemizadeh, S. (2008). Synthesis and characterisation of microporous titania membranes by dip-coating of anodised alumina substrates using sol–gel method Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 461(1-2), 331-335. More information
Dini, H., Svoboda, A., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E., Lindgren, L., Jarfors, A. . Dislocation Density Model for Flow Stress of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy-Effect of Temperature and Microstructure International journal of plasticity. More information


Ghassemali, E. (2022). Forging of Metallic Parts and Structures. In: Ming Wang Fu & P. E. J. Rivera-Diaz-del-Castillo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Allloys: Volume 4 (pp. 129 -143). More information
Ghassemali, E. (2022). Forging of Metallic Parts and Structures. In: Ming Wang Fu & Pedro E. J. Rivera-Diaz-del-Castillo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Materials: Metals and Alloys: Volume 4 (pp. 129 -143). Oxford: Elsevier More information
Ghassemali, E., Song, X., Zarinejad, M., Atsushi, D., Tan, M. (2014). Bulk Metal Forming Processes in Manufacturing. In: Andrew Y C Nee (Ed.), Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Berlin: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg More information


Ghassemali, E., Ousiabou, B. (2024). How does the high entropy design concept affect the Hydrogen Embrittlement of steels?. Materials Science and Engineering Congress - MSE 2024, 24-26 September 2024, Darmstadt, Germany. More information
Ghassemali, E., Zetterlind, M. (2024). Competence supply for the future sustainable metallic components: CIRCUMET, a case study. 18th International Conference on Society & Materials (SAM18), 14-15 May 2024, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Javaheri, V., Ghassemali, E., Aliabad, R., Gosh, S., Sadeghpour, S., Kömi, J. (2024). Dual Nature of Retained Austenite On Mechanical Properties of Advanced High Strength Steels With and Without Hydrogen. 24th European Conference on Fracture (ECF24), 26-30 August 2024, Zagreb, Croatia. More information
Ousiabou, B., Ooi, S., Safyari, M., Moshtaghi, M., Ghassemali, E. (2024). The effect of composition on the hydrogen embrittlement behaviour in high-Mn steel. 24th European Conference on Fracture (ECF24), 26-30 August 2024, Zagreb, Croatia. More information
Ghassemali, E. (2024). Legeringsutveckling för väterelaterade applikationer; Del II (ALL4HYDRO II). Metalliska material Programkonferens, 13-14 mars 2024. More information
Ghassemali, E., Zetterlind, M. (2024). Advanced School on Circular Metal Components for the Swedish Manufacturing Industry – CIRCUMET. 13th International Materials Education Symposium (IMES2024), April 4-5, 2024, University of Cambridge, Clare College, UK. More information
Ousiabou, B., Conway, P., Ghassemali, E. (2023). A strategy for designing alloys with improved hydrogen embrittlement resistance. 17th European Congress and Exhibition on Advance Materials and Processes, FEMS EUROMAT 2023, 03-07 September 2023, Germany. More information
Conway, P., Ghassemali, E. (2023). Development of high-performance cast Al-Si alloys through high-throughput screening and HEA concepts. 17th European Congress and Exhibition on Advance Materials and Processes, FEMS EUROMAT 2023, 03-07 September 2023, Germany. More information
Ousiabou, B., Conway, P., Ghassemali, E. (2023). High-throughput CALPHAD for designing hydrogen-embrittlement resistant alloys. Materials Today Conference 2023, 2-5 August 2023, Singapore. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2023). The impact of HIP process and heat treatment on the mechanical behavior of an Al-Si-Mg alloy component. 10th International Light Metals Technology Conference (LMT2023), 10–12 July 2023, Melbourne, Australia. More information
Sainis, S., Ghassemali, E., Zanella, C. (2020). The influence of size and nearest neighbour distance of intermetallic particles in cast Al-Si alloys on the localized deposition of cerium conversion coatings. Virtual EUROCORR 2020, 7th - 11th September 2020, virtual Congress. More information
Keller, C., Zetterlind, M., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E. (2019). Online labs in engineering education: Challenges and opportunities. The 15th international CDIO conference, 25-27 June 2019, Aarhus, Denmark. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Riestra, M., Seifeddine, S. (2019). Prototyping of a high pressure die cast al-si alloy using plaster mold casting to replicate corresponding mechanical properties. Light Metals Symposium held at the TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 2019, San Antonio, United States, 10 - 14 March 2019. More information
Svidró, J., Seifeddine, S., Ghassemali, E. (2018). Innovation in knowledge transfer from academia to the foundry industry - An advanced case. 73rd World Foundry Congress "Creative Foundry", 23-27 September 2018, Kraków, Poland. More information
Keller, C., Wass, S., Zetterlind, M., Ghassemali, E., Seifeddine, S. (2017). Teacher roles in a blended learning materials engineering master program: "It's not a new role, it's a new way!". 26th EDEN Annual Conference 2017: Diversity matters, Jönköping, 13-16 June, 2017.. More information
Dini, H., Svoboda, A., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E., Lindgren, L., Jarfors, A. (2017). Modeling the Deformation Behavior of As-Cast AZ1D Including the Effect of The Cast Microstructure. The Twenty Third International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture, January 3-9, 2017, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. More information
Ghassemali, E., Riestra, M., Bogdanoff, T., Kumar, B., Seifeddine, S. (2017). Hall-Petch Equation in a Hypoeutectic Al-Si Cast Alloy: Grain Size vs. Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacing. International Conference on the Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2017; Hucisko; United Kingdom; 17 September 2017 through 22 September 2017. More information
Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Tan, M., Chua, B. (2016). Microstructure versus substructure size effect. ESAFORM 2016: Proceedings of the 19th international ESAFORM conference on material forming, Nantes, 27–29 April, 2016.. More information
Ghasemi, R., Elmquist, L., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2015). Effect of interaction between lamellar graphite and cat-fines on tribological behaviour of cast iron under abrasion. 6th International Tribology Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 16-20th September 2015. More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2015). Micro-Crack Initiation in High-Silicon Cast Iron during Tension Loading. 144th Annual Meeting and Exhibition: Connecting the Global Minerals, Metals, and Materials Community, TMS 2015, Walt Disney World Orlando, United States, 15 March 2015 through 19 March 2015. More information
Dini, H., Andersson, N., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2015). Microstructural Scale Effects on Thermal Expansion Behaviour of Cast AZ91D. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Magnesium Technology 2015 - TMS 2015. More information
Kasvayee, K., Elmquist, L., Jarfors, A., Ghassemali, E. (2014). Development of a pattern making method for strain measurement on microstructural level in ferritic cast iron. 23rd International Conference on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM-XXIII), Roorkee, India, December 5-7, 2014. More information
Ghassemali, E., Tan, M., Chua, B., Lim, S., Jarfors, A. (2014). Friction effects during open-die micro-forging/extrusion processes: An upper bound approach. 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2014, Nagoya, 19-24 October 2014.. More information
Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Tan, M., Lim, S. (2011). Dead-zone formation and micro-pin properties in progressive microforming process. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ICTP 2011, 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, Steel Research International: Special Edition, Aachen, DE, Sep 25-29, 2011. More information


Bogdanoff, T., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. . The impact of HIP process and heat treatment on the fatigue performance of an Al-Si-Mg alloy component. More information


Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Jarfors, A. (2015). Microstructural strain distribution in ductile iron; Comparison between finite element simulation and digital image correlation measurements. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering More information
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Jarfors, A. (2015). Microstructural strain localization and crack evolution in ductile iron. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering More information