Attila Dioszegi

Professor Gjuteriteknologi


ATTILA DIÓSZEGI forskar inom ämnet Gjuteriteknologi. Forskningsområdet är tvärvetenskaplig  och syftar till att förstå fenomen i samband med tillverkning genom gjutning för att hjälpa gjuteriföretagen att producera gjutgods med god kvalitet. Fokus inom forskningen är lagt på gjutjärn där samtliga typer av legeringar beroende på grafitmorfologin ingår, såsom gråjärn, kompaktgrafitjärn och segjärn.

Fenomen längst tillverkningskedjan ingår i forskningen så som den flytande smältans metallurgi, formfyllning, interaktion mellan formmaterial — formatmosfär och smälta, kärnbildning och ympning, stelning och kristalltillväxt, volymförändringar och interdendritisk flöde samt defektbildning. Den gjutna materialets mikrostruktur och eventuellt tillkomna defekters inverkan på hållfasthetsegenskaper studeras.

En framstående aktivitet inom forskningen är modellering och simulering av gjutna fenomen. Särskilt tyngd läggs på termisk analys för att koppla iakttagna gjutfenomen med termiska förlopp samt för att förutse smältans egenskaper inför gjutning.


ATTILAS gjutarkarriär börjar som tio åring i hemstadens ungdomshus där han deltar i gokart klubbens verksamhet och tillverkar gokartkomponenter. Är enda eleven som är villig att leka i sandhögen och tillverka formar för gjutning av gokart ratten i aluminium.

Helt omedveten om att gjutarbanan är sedan barndomen grundad  ATTILA DIÓSZEGI tar en universitetsexamen inom materialteknik, inriktning gjutning från Technical University of Cluj i Rumänien (1984). Sedan följer jobb som gjuteritekniker vid rumänska gjuterier. Stålgjuteriet IOB Bals och gjutjärnsgjuteriet IAIFO Zalau.

Gjutarbanan fortsätter i Sverige år 1986 som gjuteriarbetare  på Traryds Metallgjuteri och sedan gjutarpraktikant vid Skandinaviska Gjuteriskolan i Jönköping år 1989. Under perioden 1990 till 2005, Attila är anställd vid Volvos Gjuteri i Skövde som modellkonstruktör och beredare, beräkningsingenjör för gjutsimulering samt material och processutvecklare.

1999 börjar som deltidsdoktorand vid Ingenjörshögskolan i Jönköping. År 2004 Attila blir Teknisk Doktor med avhandlingen: "On the Microstructure Formation and Mechanical Properties in Grey Cast Iron. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertation No. 871. May 2004." och anställs som universitetslektor inom Komponentteknologi - Gjutning. År 2008 antogs Attila som docent inom Gjuteriteknologi vid JTH.


Queirós, R., Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2024). Unraveling compacted and nodular cast iron porosity: Case studies approach International Journal of metalcasting, 18, 1811-1830. More information
Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2024). Relationships between macrostructure and microstructure in lamellar graphite iron castings International Journal of metalcasting. More information
Belov, I., Fourlakidis, V., Domeij, B., Matsushita, T., Diószegi, A. (2024). A thermal conductivity model for lamellar and compacted graphite irons International Journal of metalcasting. More information
Matsushita, T., Domeij, B., Fourlakidis, V., Belov, I., Diószegi, A. (2024). A model for the effect of microstructure on the ultimate tensile strength of cast irons International Journal of metalcasting. More information
Matsushita, T., Ekengård, J., Diószegi, A. (2024). Thermodynamic discussion on the influence of the magnesium addition and temperature on the oxygen potential in the cast irons Steel Research International. More information
Sundaram, D., Matsushita, T., Belov, I., Diószegi, A. (2024). Evaluation of permeability models for foundry molds and cores in sand casting processes Archives of Foundry Engineering, 24(1), 94-106. More information
Matsushita, T., Sundaram, D., Belov, I., Diószegi, A. (2024). Kinetic model for the decomposition rate of the binder in a foundry sand application Archives of Foundry Engineering. More information
Sundaram, D., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2024). Thermal analysis and gas generation measurement of foundry sand mixtures International Journal of metalcasting. More information
Belov, I., Fourlakidis, V., Domeij, B., Matsushita, T., Diószegi, A. (2024). A thermal conductivity model for grey iron International Journal of metalcasting, 18(3), 2107-2117. More information
Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2024). A review of dendritic austenite in cast irons. More information
Matsushita, T., Belov, I., Svidró, J., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2024). Analysis of the penetration behavior of molten cast iron into the sand mold International Journal of metalcasting, 18, 2254-2267. More information
Domeij, B., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, A. (2023). Evolution of Dendritic Austenite in Parallel With Eutectic in Compacted Graphite Iron Under Three Cooling Conditions Metallurgical and materials transactions. B, process metallurgy and materials processing science, 54, 2395-2410. More information
Fourlakidis, V., Hernando, J., Diószegi, A. (2023). Primary Austenite Morphology and Tensile Strength in CGI for Different C Contents, Cooling Conditions and Nodularity International Journal of metalcasting. More information
Fourlakidis, V., Hernando, J., Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A. (2023). Relationship Between Thermal Conductivity and Tensile Strength in Cast Irons International Journal of metalcasting, 17, 2862-2867. More information
Domeij, B., Belov, I., Fourlakidis, V., Diószegi, A. (2023). Implementation and Validation of Casting Simulation Methodology for Diagnostics of Lamellar Graphite Iron International Journal of metalcasting, 17, 1507-1517. More information
Domeij, B., Belov, I., Fourlakidis, V., Diószegi, A. (2023). Metodik för kort väg mellan forskning och gjutsimuleringsverktyg Gjuteriet, 12-13. More information
Diószegi, A. (2023). Årsmöte IFTJKPG – innovativ gjuteriteknik Gjuteriet, 10-11. More information
Fourlakidis, V., Belov, I., Diószeg, A. (2022). Experimental model of the pearlite interlamellar spacing in lamellar graphite iron Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, 19. More information
Sundaram, D., Svidró, J., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2022). A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Effect of the Density of Sand Cores on Their Gas Permeability Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, 6(2), 33-38. More information
Fourlakidis, V., Schmidt, P., Jarfors, A., Svidró, P., Diószegi, A. (2021). Fatigue limit and microstructure in lamellar graphite iron Materials Science & Engineering: A, 802. More information
Sundaram, D., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Svidró, J. (2021). Measurement of Darcian Permeability of foundry sand mixtures International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 34(2), 97-103. More information
Sundaram, D., Svidró, J., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2021). On the relation between the gas-permeability and the pore characteristics of furan sand Materials, 14(14). More information
Ramos, A., Diószegi, A., Guesser, W., Cabezas, C. (2020). Microstructure of compacted graphite iron near critical shrinkage areas in cylinder blocks International Journal of metalcasting, 14(3), 736-744. More information
Hellström, K., Diaconu, L., Diószegi, A. (2020). Density and thermal expansion coefficients of liquid and austenite phase in lamellar cast iron China Foundry, 17(2), 127-136. More information
Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2020). The Distribution of Carbon in Austenite Studied on a Water-Quenched Compacted Graphite Iron Using Electron Probe Microanalysis International Journal of metalcasting, 14, 782-793. More information
Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Svidró, J. (2020). The origin of thermal expansion differences in various size fractions of silica sand International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 33(6), 242-249. More information
Hernando, J., Elfsberg, J., Ghassemali, E., Dahle, A., Diószegi, A. (2020). The role of primary austenite morphology in hypoeutectic compacted graphite iron alloys International Journal of metalcasting, 14(3), 745-754. More information
Hernando, J., Elfsberg, J., Ghassemali, E., Dahle, A., Diószegi, A. (2019). The effect of coarsening of primary austenite on the ultimate tensile strength of hypoeutectic compacted graphite Fe-C-Si alloys Scripta Materialia, 168, 33-37. More information
Ghasemi, R., Hassan, I., Ghorbani, A., Diószegi, A. (2019). Austempered compacted graphite iron — Influence of austempering temperature and time on microstructural and mechanical properties Materials Science & Engineering: A, 767. More information
Ghassemali, E., Hernando, J., Stefanescu, D., Diószegi, A., Jarfors, A., Dluhoš, J., Petrenec, M. (2019). Revisiting the graphite nodule in ductile iron Scripta Materialia, 161, 66-69. More information
Hernando, J., Elfsberg, J., Dahle, A., Diószegi, A. (2019). Evolution of primary austenite during coarsening and impact on eutectic microstructure in Fe–C–Si alloys Materialia, 7. More information
Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Diószegi, A. (2018). On the Formation of Micro-Shrinkage Porosities in Ductile Iron Cast Components , 8(7). More information
Lidumnieks, K., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2018). The effect of various production parameters on the heat absorbing capacity of greensand International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 31(1), 7-13. More information
Svidró, P., Diószegi, A., Jönsson, P., Stefanescu, D. (2018). Determination of pressure in the extradendritic liquid area during solidification Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (Print), 132(3), 1661-1667. More information
Domeij, B., Hernando, J., Diószegi, A. (2018). Size distribution of graphite nodules in hypereutectic cast irons of varying nodularity Metallurgical and materials transactions. B, process metallurgy and materials processing science, 49(5), 2487-2504. More information
Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2018). New possibilities in thermal analysis of molding materials Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, 2(4), 67-70 Krakow: AGH University of Science and Technology . More information
Hernando, J., Diószegi, A. (2018). On the primary solidification of compacted graphite iron: Microstructure evolution during isothermal coarsening Materials Science Forum, 925, 90-97. More information
Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2018). Solidification Chronology of the Metal Matrix and a Study of Conditions for Micropore Formation in Cast Irons Using EPMA and FTA Materials Science Forum, 925, 436-443. More information
Svidró, P., Diószegi, A., Jönsson, P. (2018). Extended method of volume change measurements during solidification of lamellar graphite iron Materials Science Forum, 925, 163-170. More information
Hellström, K., Svidró, P., Diaconu, L., Diószegi, A. (2018). Density variations during solidification of grey cast Iron Materials Science Forum, 155-162. More information
Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2018). Novel Measurement Method to Study Thermal Aspects of Molding Mixture Decomposition Journal of Casting & Materials Engineering, 2(3), 63-66. More information
Fourlakidis, V., Diaconu, L., Diószegi, A. (2018). Strength prediction of lamellar graphite iron: From Griffith’s to hall-petch modified equation Materials Science Forum, 925, 272-279. More information
Fourlakidis, V., Belov, I., Diószegi, A. (2018). Strength prediction for pearlitic lamellar graphite iron: Model validation Metals, 8(9). More information
Hernando, J., Ghassemali, E., Diószegi, A. (2017). The morphological evolution of primary austenite during isothermal coarsening Materials Characterization, 131, 492-499. More information
Hernando, J., Domeij, B., González, D., Amieva, J., Diószegi, A. (2017). New experimental technique for nodularity and Mg fading control in compacted graphite iron production on laboratory scale Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, 48(11), 5432-5441. More information
Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Svidró, J., Ferenczi, T. (2017). Thermophysical aspects of reclaimed moulding sand addition to the epoxy-SO2 coremaking system studied by Fourier thermal analysis Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (Print), 130(3), 1779-1789. More information
Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Svidró, J., Ferenczi, T. (2017). The effect of different binder levels on the heat absorption capacity of moulding mixtures made by the phenolic urethane cold-box process Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (Print), 130(3), 1769-1777. More information
Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Tóth, L., Svidró, J. (2017). The influence of thermal expansion of unbonded foundry sands on the deformation of resin bonded cores Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 62(2), 795-798. More information
Hellström, K., Diószegi, A., Diaconu, L. (2017). A broad literature review of density measurements of liquid cast iron. More information
Svidró, P., Diószegi, A., Pour, M., Jönsson, P. (2017). Investigation of dendrite coarsening in complex shaped lamellar graphite iron castings Metals, 7(7). More information
Diószegi, A., Svidró, P., Elmquist, L., Dugic, I. (2016). Defect formation mechanisms in lamellar graphite iron related to the casting geometry International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 29(5), 279-285. More information
Ekengård, J., Diószegi, A., Jönsson, P. (2016). A study of oxygen activities before the start of solidification of cast iron International Journal of metalcasting, 10(4), 500-515. More information
Domeij, B., Hernando, J., Diószegi, A. (2016). Quantification of dendritic austenite after interrupted solidification in a hypoeutectic lamellar graphite iron , 5(1), 28-42 New York: Springer . More information
Tóth, J., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Stevenson, D. (2016). Heat absorption capacity and binder degradation characteristics of 3D printed cores investigated by inverse fourier thermal analysis International Journal of metalcasting, 10(3), 306-314. More information
Diószegi, A., Diószegi, E., Tóth, J., Svidró, J. (2016). Modelling and simulation of heat conduction in 1-D polar spherical coordinates using control volume-based finite difference method International journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow, 26(1), 2-17. More information
Diószegi, A., Fourlakidis, V., Diaconu, L. (2016). Prediction of volume fraction of primary austenite at solidification of lamellar graphite cast iron using thermal analyses Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (Print), 124(1), 215-225. More information
Orlenius, J., Gotthardsson, U., Diószegi, A. (2015). Mould and core gas evolution in grey iron castings International Foundry Research, 67(4), 10-20. More information
Vazehrad, S., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, A. (2015). Study of microstructure and silicon segregation in cast iron using color etching and electron microprobe analysis Materials Characterization, 104, 132-138. More information
Diószegi, A., Fourlakidis, V., Lora, R. (2015). Austenite dendrite morphology in lamellar graphite iron International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 28(5), 310-317. More information
Svidró, P., Diószegi, A. (2014). Determination of the columnar to equiaxed transition in hypoeutectic lamellar cast iron ISIJ International, 54(2), 460-465. More information
Svidró, P., Diószegi, A. (2014). On problems of volume change measurements in lamellar cast iron International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 27(1), 26-37. More information
Vazehrad, S., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, A. (2014). On Factors Influencing Macro Shrinkage Porosity Formation in Compacted Graphite Iron Materials Science Forum, 790-791, 429-434. More information
Elmquist, L., Soivio, K., Diószegi, A. (2014). Cast iron solidification structure and how it is related to defect formation Materials Science Forum, 790-791, 441-446. More information
Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Tóth, J. (2014). The novel application of Fourier thermal analysis in foundry technologies Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (Print), 115(1), 331-338. More information
Fourlakidis, V., Lora, R., Diószegi, A. (2014). Dynamic Coarsening of Austenite Dendrite in Lamellar Cast Iron Part 2 – The influence of carbon composition Materials Science Forum, 790-791, 211-216. More information
Fourlakidis, V., Diószegi, A. (2014). A generic model to predict the ultimate tensile strength in pearlitic lamellar graphite iron Materials Science & Engineering: A, 618, 161-167. More information
Diószegi, A., Lora, R., Fourlakidis, V. (2014). Dynamic Coarsening of Austenite Dendrite in Lamellar Cast Iron Part 1 – Investigation based on interrupted solidification Materials Science Forum, 790-791, 205-210. More information
Diaconu, L., Sjögren, T., Skoglund, P., Diószegi, A. (2013). A molibdén hatása az öntöttvasak termomechanikus hőfárasztási tulajdonságaira. Banyaszati es Kohaszati Lapok - Kohaszat, 146(1), 13-17 Budapest . More information
Diaconu, L., Sjögren, T., Skoglund, P., Diószegi, A. (2013). Stress relaxation of compacted graphite iron alloyed with molybdenum International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 26(1), 51-57. More information
Lora, R., Diószegi, A. (2012). Dynamic coarsening of 3.3C–1.9Si gray cast iron Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A, 43(13), 5165-5172. More information
Diaconu, L., Sjögren, T., Skoglund, P., Diószegi, A. (2012). Influence of molybdenum alloying on thermomechanical fatigue life of compacted graphite irons International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 25(5), 277-286. More information
Lora, R., Diószegi, A., Elmquist, L. (2011). Solidification Study of Gray Cast Iron in a Resistance Furnace Key Engineering Materials, 457, 108-113. More information
Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2011). Studying binder decomposition characteristics in resin bonded moulding materials through core gas measurement International Foundry Research, 4(5) Germany . More information
Diószegi, A., Björklind, T., Diószegi, Z. (2011). Surface Turbulence at Flow of Gray Cast Iron Key Engineering Materials, 457, 422-427 Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications . More information
Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A., Svidró, P. (2011). Influence of Primary Austenite on the Nucleation of Eutectic Cells Key Engineering Materials, 457, 61-66. More information
Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A., Björklind, T. (2011). On the Formation of Shrinkage Porosity in Gray Iron Castings Key Engineering Materials, 457, 416-421. More information
Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A. (2010). The relation between SDAS and eutectic cell size in grey iron International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 23(4), 240-245. More information
Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A. (2010). On the Problems of a Migrating Hot Spot Materials Science Forum, 649, 443-448 Roósz: Trans Tech Publication . More information
Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A. (2010). Shrinkage Porosity and its Relation to Solidification Structure of Grey Cast Iron Parts International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 23(1), 44-50. More information
Elmquist, L., Salera, S., Diószegi, A. (2010). Inoculation and its effect on primary solidification structure of hypoeutectic grey cast iron International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 23(2), 124-129. More information
Diószegi, A., Fourlakidis, V., Svensson, I. (2010). Fracture Mechanics of Gray Cast Iron Materials Science Forum, 649, 517-522. More information
Fourlakidis, V., Diaconu, L., Diószegi, A. (2010). Effects of Carbon Content on the Ultimate Tensile Strength in Gray Cast Iron Materials Science Forum, 649, 511-516 Switzerland: Trans Tech Publication . More information
Diószegi, A., Elmquist, L., Orlenius, J., Dugic, I. (2009). Defect Formation of Gray Iron Casting , 3(4), 49-58. More information
Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2008). Effects of carbon content and solidification rate on thermal conductivity of grey cast iron Tsinghua Science and Technology, 13(2), 170-176. More information
Orlenius, J., Diószegi, A., Diószegi, Z. (2008). Gas Absorption in Grey Iron during Mould Filling International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 21(6), 427-434. More information
Diószegi, A., Dugic, I., Svensson, I. (2007). Penetrationsfehler an konkaven Gussteiloberflächen von Grauguss-Zylinderköpfen (Penetration errors casting concave surfaces of grey cast iron cylinder heads) Giesserei-Praxis, 58(11), 450-454. More information
Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2007). Effects of inoculation and solidification rate on the thermal conductivity of grey cast iron Foundry Trade Journal, 180(3642), 66-69. More information
Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2007). Effects of carbon content and solidification rate on thermal conductivity of grey cast iron China Foundry, 4(3), 210-214. More information
Diószegi, A., Dugic, I., Svensson, I. (2007). Metal Expansion Penetration on Concave Casting Surfaces of Grey Cast Iron Cylinder Heads Transactions of the American Foundry Society, 115, 609-615 Schaumburg: American Foundry Society . More information
Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2007). A lemezről a kompaktgrafitra való átmenet hatásai az öntöttvas hővezető képességére Kohászat, Hungarian Journal of Metallurgy, 140(5). More information
Diószegi, A., Liu, K., Svensson, I. (2007). Inoculation of Primary Austenite in Grey Cast Iron International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 20(2), 68-72. More information
Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2006). Effects of Inoculation and Solidification Rate on the Thermal Conductivity of Grey Cast Iron Giessereiforschung, 58(3), 12-17. More information
Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2006). Effects of transition from lamellar to compacted graphite on thermal conductivity of cast iron International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 19(6), 303-313. More information
Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2005). On the problems of thermal analysis of solidification Materials Science & Engineering: A, 413-414, 474-479. More information
Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2005). Inverse kinetic analysis method to study eutectic growth International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 18(1), 41-45. More information
Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2005). Interpretation of Solidification by Thermal Analysis of Cooling Rate Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 58(4), 611-616. More information
Diószegi, A., Hattel, J. (2004). Inverse thermal analysis method to study solidification in cast iron International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 17(5), 311-318. More information
Andrews, I., Dumaillet, J., Diószegi, A. (2003). Direct flow simulations in pressed foundry filters Ductile Iron News. More information
Diószegi, A. (2003). Evaluation of eutectic growth in grey cast iron by means of inverse modelling International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 16(1-3), 301-306. More information
Svensson, I., Millberg, A., Diószegi, A. (2003). A study of eutectic inoculation in grey iron by addition of Fe-Si-Ca-Al-,Sr, Ba, Zr, Ti, RE, and C. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 16(1-3), 29-34. More information
Diószegi, A., Wessén, M. (2001). Measurement and simulation of thermal condition and mechanical properties in a complicated shaped cylinder head cast in grey iron Indian Foundry Journal, 8(4). More information
Hellström, K., Diaconu, L., Diószegi, A. . Density and thermal expansion coefficients of liquid grey cast iron and austenite Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. A. More information


Diószegi, A. (2004). On microstructure formation and mechanical properties in grey cast iron (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping). More information


Diószegi, A., Svidró, P. (2017). Volumetric changes during the Solidification of Cast Iron. In: Doru M. Stefanescu (Ed.), ASM Handbook, Volume 1A: Cast Iron Science and Technology (pp. 88 -93). Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International More information
Diószegi, A., Diaconu, L. (2017). Microstructures and Characterization of Gray Irons. In: Doru M. Stefanescu (Ed.), ASM Handbook, Volume 1A: Cast Iron Science and Technology (pp. 583 -589). Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International More information
Diószegi, A., Svidró, P., Elmquist, L., Dugic, I. (2015). Defect formation mechanisms in lamellar cast iron related to the casting geometry. In: L. Nastac, B. Liu, H. Fredriksson, J. Lacaze, C.-P. Hong, A. V. Catalina, A. Buhrig-Polaczek, C. Monroe, A. S. Sabau, R. E. L. Ruxanda, A. Luo, S. Sen and A. Diószegi (Ed.), Advances in the Science and Engineering of Casting Solidification: An MPMD Symposium Honoring Doru Michael Stefanescu (pp. 251 -259). More information


Belov, I., Matsushita, T., Fourlakidis, V., Sundaram, D., Diószegi, A. (2023). A simulation and experimental methodology to evaluate conditions for gas penetration from FURAN sand core into a cast iron melt. 17th European Congress and Exhibition on Advance Materials and Processes, FEMS EUROMAT 2023, 03-07 September 2023, Germany. More information
Diószegi, A., Diaconu, L. (2023). Advances in metallography and stereology of cast iron. New Trends in Metallic Material Processing: 4th Edition, Special Edition: SGI 80 years / Iulian Riposan 75 years, 16–18 May 2023, Bucharest, Romania. More information
Diaconu, L., Diószegi, A. (2023). Density variations at solidification of grey cast iron. New Trends in Metallic Material Processing: 4th Edition, Special Edition: SGI 80 years / Iulian Riposan 75 years, 16–18 May 2023, Bucharest, Romania. More information
Diószegi, A., Fourlakidis, V., Hernando, J., Holmgren, D. (2022). Effect of inoculation on the material property in cast iron. The 74th World Foundry Congress 2022, 16–20 October 2022, Bexco, Busan, Republic of Korea. More information
Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2021). Depletion of Si in the early solidification structure of Gray Cast Iron. 12th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron (SPCI-XII), 9-12 November 2021, Muroran, Japan. More information
Svidró, J., Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2020). The role of purity level in foundry silica sand on its thermal properties. 4th International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials, IC-RMM 2019, 7 November 2019 through 11 November 2019. More information
Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Fourlakidis, V., Diószegi, A. (2020). Data-driven modeling of mechanical properties of cast iron using fuzzy logic. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM 2020), 13-16 November 2020, Xiamen, China. More information
Diószegi, A., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, Z., Ramos, A. (2018). Shrinkage porosity formation in cast iron components. 73rd World Foundry Congress "Creative Foundry", 23-27 September 2018, Kraków, Poland. More information
Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2018). A novel measurement method to study the thermal aspects of moulding mixture decomposition. 73rd World Foundry Congress "Creative Foundry", 23-27 September 2018, Kraków, Poland. More information
Svidró, J., Diószegi, A. (2018). New possibilities in the thermal analysis of moulding materials. 73rd World Foundry Congress "Creative Foundry", 23-27 September 2018, Kraków, Poland. More information
Hernando, J., Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2017). Influence of Ti and Mo additions on the isothermal coarsening process of primary austenite in Lamellar Graphite Iron. 6th Decennial International Conference on Solidification Processing, Old Windsor, UK, 25th‐28th July 2017.. More information
Domeij, B., Diószegi, A. (2017). Inferring the development of microsegregation and microstructure in Spheroidal and Compacted Graphite Iron using EPMA‐WDS. 6th Decennial International Conference on Solidification Processing, 25th-28th July 2017, Beaumont Estate, Old Windsor, UK. More information
Hernando, J., Diószegi, A. (2016). An overview of isothermal coarsening in hypoeutectic lamellar cast iron. Cham: Springer, The honorary symposium "Advances in the Science and Engineering of Casting Solidification" (TMS2015, Orlando, Florida, March 15-19, 2015) held in honor of Professor Doru Michael Stefanescu, Emeritus Professor, Ohio State University and the University of Alabama, USA.. More information
Diószegi, A., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, Z. (2016). Solubility of Hydrogen and Nitrogen in liquid cast iron during melting and mold filling. 72nd World Foundry Congress, WFC 2016, 21 May 2016 through 25 May 2016, Nagoya, Japan. More information
Hernando, J., Diószegi, A. (2015). An overview of isothermal coarsening in hypoeutectic lamellar cast iron. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, The honorary symposium "Advances in the Science and Engineering of Casting Solidification" (TMS2015, Orlando, Florida, March 15-19, 2015) held in honor of Professor Doru Michael Stefanescu, Emeritus Professor, Ohio State University and the University of Alabama, USA.. More information
Svidró, J., Diószegi, A., Stevenson, D., Tóth, J. (2015). Heat absorption capacity and binder degradation characteristics of 3D printed cores investigated by inverse Fourier thermal analysis. 119th Metalcasting Congress, April 21-23 2015 Columbus OH, USA. More information
Svidró, P., Elmquist, L., Dugic, I., Diószegi, A. (2014). Characterization of primary dendrite morphology in complex shaped lamellar cast iron castings. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron, SPCI10, November, 2014, Mar del Plata, Argentina.. More information
Ekengård, J., Diószegi, A., Jönsson, P. (2014). A Study of the Oxygen Activity before Start of Solidification of Cast Irons. The 10th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron, SPCI10, November, 2014, Mar del Plata, Argentina. More information
Fourlakidis, V., Ekengård, J., Diószegi, A. (2014). Non-metallic inclusions in lamellar graphite iron. The 10th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron, SPCI10, November, 2014, Mar del Plata, Argentina. More information
Diószegi, A., Fourlakidis, V., Lora, R. (2014). Austenite Dendrite Morphology in Lamellar Cast Iron. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron, SPCI10, November, 2014, Mar del Plata, Argentina. More information
Lora, R., Dioszegi, A., Elmquist, L. (2010). Solidification Study of Gray Cast Iron in a Resistance Furnace. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd., Ninth International Symposium of Science and Processing of Cast Iron (SPCI-9). More information
Diószegi, A., Elmquist, L., Orlenius, J., Dugic, I. (2009). Defect Formation at Casting of Gray Iron Components. Ninth International Symposium of Science and Processing of Cast Iron (SPCI-9). More information
Ekengård, J., Diószegi, A. (2009). Oxygen Activity and Slag Formation in Cast Irons. Ninth International Symposium of Science and Processing of Cast Iron (SPCI-9). More information
Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A., Adolfsson, S. (2008). Characerizing Shrinkage Porosity in Gray Cast Iron using Microstructure Investigation. Schaumburg, Ill.: American Foundry Society, Ninth International Symposium of Science and Processing of Cast Iron (SPCI-9). More information
Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A., Adolfsson, S. (2008). Characterizing shrinkage porosity in gray cast iron using microstructure investigation. Schaumburg, Ill: The American Foundry Society, 112th Annual Metalcasting Congress, Atlanta, GA, US, May 17-20, 2008. More information
Orlenius, J., Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A. (2007). Influence of Melting Process on Hydrogen and Nitrogen Content in Gray Iron. Schaumburg, Ill.: American Foundry Society, 112th Annual Metalcasting Congress, Atlanta, GA, US, May 17-20, 2008. More information
Elmquist, L., Orlenius, J., Diószegi, A. (2007). Influence of Melting Process on Oxygen Content in Gray Iron. Schaumburg, Ill.: American Foundry Society, 112th Annual Metalcasting Congress, Atlanta, GA, US, May 17-20, 2008. More information
Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2007). Lemezgrafitos öntöttvas dermedési mecanizmusai. Lilafüred, Hungary: Magyar Öntönapok, 112th Annual Metalcasting Congress, Atlanta, GA, US, May 17-20, 2008. More information
Diószegi, A., Dugic, I. (2006). The Mechanism of Metal Expansion Penetration in Gray Cast Iron. The 8th international symposium on science & processing of cast iron, SPCI8, Beijing, China. More information
Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2006). Parameters Influencing the Temperature Distribution in Cast Iron Cylinder Heads Operating at Elevated Temperatures. The 8th international symposium on science & processing of cast iron, SPCI8, Beijing, China. More information
Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2006). Effects of Inoculation and Solidification Rate on the Thermal Conductivity of Grey Cast Iron. The 67th World Foundry Congress, Harrogate, United Kingdom. More information
Holmgren, D., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2006). Effects of Carbon Content and Solidification Rate on the Thermal Conductivity of Grey Cast Iron. The 8th international symposiums on science & processing of cast iron, SPCI8, Beijing, China. More information
Diószegi, A., Liu, K., Svensson, I. (2006). Inoculation of Primary Austenite in Grey Cast Iron. The 8th international symposium on science & processing of cast iron, SPCI8, Beijing, China. More information
Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2005). Lemezgrafitos öntöttvas szakító szilárdságának számítógépes modellezése. Balatonfüred, Hungary: Magyar Öntönapok, The 8th international symposium on science & processing of cast iron, SPCI8, Beijing, China. More information
Andrews, I., Dumaillet, J., Diószegi, A. (2003). Direct flow simulations in pressed foundry filters. Australian Foundry Institute 34th National Convention. More information
Andrews, I., Dumaillet, J., Diószegi, A. (2003). Simulering av flödesförlopp genom Filter. Design och gjutsimuleringskonferens, Huskvarna, Sweden. More information
Diószegi, A., Millberg, A., Svensson, I. (2001). Microstructure evaluation and simulation of mechanical properties of a cylinder head in cast iron. Brassó-Brasov, Romania Design och gjutsimuleringskonferens, Huskvarna, Sweden. More information
Diószegi, A., Wessén, M. (2000). Measurement and simulation of thermal condition and mechanical properties in a complicated shaped cylinder head cast in grey iron. Design och gjutsimuleringskonferens, Huskvarna, Sweden. More information
Svensson, I., Diószegi, A. (2000). On modelling of volume related defect formation in cast irons. Aachen: Shaker Verlag GmbH, Design och gjutsimuleringskonferens, Huskvarna, Sweden. More information


Domeij, B., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, A. . The evolution of dendritic austenite in a solidifying near‐eutectic compacted graphite iron under varying cooling conditions. More information
Domeij, B., Elfsberg, J., Diószegi, A. . The distribution of carbon during solidification of a compacted graphite iron. More information
Sundaram, D., Belov, I., Matsushita, T., Diószegi, A. . Computational model of heat and gas transport in a furan resin sand casting core. More information


Diószegi, A., Svidró, P. (2018). Method of and device for analysing a phase transformation of a material. More information
Svidró, P., Diószegi, A. (2018). Sampling device and method for sampling a liquid or viscous material. More information

Proceedings (redaktörskap)

Diószegi, A., Diaconu, L., Jarfors, A. (Eds.). (2018). Science and Processing of Cast Iron XI. More information
Nastac, L. Lui, B. Fredriksson, H. Lacaze, J. Hong, C. Catalina, A. , ... Diószegi A. (Eds.). (2015). Advances in the science and engineering of casting solidification: An MPMD symposium honoring Doru Michael Stefanescu. , Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons More information


Svidró, P., Elmquist, L., Dugic, I., Diószegi, A. (2013). Investigation of cooling rate dependent dendrite morphology inhypoeutectic lamellar cast iron. Jönköping: School of Engineering More information
Lora, R., Diószegi, A. (2011). Dynamic Coarsening of 3.31C-1.89Si Grey Cast Iron. More information
Lora, R., Fourlakidis, V., Díaz de Aguilar, A., Diószegi, A. (2011). Characterization of the Primary Austenite Dendrite and Interdendritic Space in Lamellar Cast Iron. More information
Elmquist, L., Diószegi, A. (2008). Influence of Solidification on the Primary Austenite Structure of Grey Cast Iron. Jönköping: Tekniska Högskolan More information
Dugic, I., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2006). Metal Expansion Penetration on Concave Casting Surfaces of Grey Cast Iron Cylinder Heads. Jönköping: Tekniska Högskolan More information
Dugic, I., Diószegi, A., Svensson, I. (2005). The Influence of Inoculation on the Metal Expansion Penetration With Respect to the Primary and Eutectic Solidification. Jönköping: Tekniska Högskolan More information
Diószegi, A. (2004). Microstructure and tensile property simulation of grey cast iron components. Jönköping: Ingenjörshögskolan More information
Diószegi, A., Fourlakidis, V., Svensson, I. (2004). Microstructure and tensile properties of grey cast iron. Jönköping: Ingenjörshögskolan More information