Design of a set of modular displays for “bread and bakery” department in grocery stores

Julia Lázaro García
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This project aims to develop design proposals for a new versatile and contemporary assortment of displays and interior modules for “bread and bakery” department in grocery stores.
With over 40 years of experience, EveryDay Market has acknowledged a solid understanding of the retail industry for grocery stores. They have created both innovative and sustainable solutions in a modern store environment. At the moment, they want to renovate their portfolio and extend it with new solutions for the “bread and bakery” department.
During this project, the goal was to develop flexible and scalable interiors and attractive designs that contribute to an inviting environment. Besides, this new solution is focused on the future in supermarkets, with a good basis in ergonomics and a focus on the customer experience. The solution is also transformable and adaptable to different interior styles and facilities.
The result of this thesis has been a bread storage module with an easy to open and close mechanism to keep the bread as fresh as possible. In addition, three environment ideas have been created, which can be adapted in different spaces depending on what is sought.