LeaDMe International conference 2020
LeaDMe, Learning, Digitalization, and Media International conference,
13-15 February 2020 will be held in Mumbai, India.
The conference is jointly organised by the: Department of Mass Media, KC College, Mumbai, India, BTTC, Bombay Teachers' Training College, Mumbai, India and CCD, Communication, Culture, and Diversity Network based Research Group, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University, Sweden.
The LeaDMe, Learning Digitalization and Media International Conference has been conceptualized as a strategic initiative for a theoretical research-oriented conference meeting (13-14 Feb 2020) and a cross-sectorial platform (15 Feb 2020) that brings together various sectors and actors engaged in the enterprise of education, digitalization and media. It is jointly hosted by three institutions – two disciplinary oriented from Mumbai, India and the third multidisciplinary-oriented from Jönköping, Sweden.
The LeaDMe conference will be structured in two parts
- 13-14 February 2020: a small-scale research conference, theoretically focused, with the participation of peer-reviewed short-listed abstracts.
- 15 February 2020: a larger conference –with presentations, workshops and cross-sector discussions that will see the participation of scholars, professionals from industry, civil society, governmental agencies, etc. This part of the conference will be open to researchers and students as well as professionals from different sectors.
The conference theme
Issues related to Globalization, Digitization, the Glocal village, Virtual learning, Customized Media for entertainment and Education for the future have emerged in recent times or have undergone a major change as the world surges into the third decade of this millennium. These issues can no longer remain in the confines of research endeavours in the global-North. Nor are they ideas that can remain as dimensions of the imagination of a few sci-fi and fantasy writers. Issues of learning, digitalization and media are closely intertwined and need to be recognized in terms of the opening of a Pandora’s Box that enables new possibilities for generating glocal knowledge where multidisciplinary oriented scholars collaborate across the global-North and global-South.
Taking a multidisciplinary point of departure, allows for approaching digitalization from a learning perspective across disciplines, such as Pedagogy, Language and Literature, and Media and Communication. Such a stance allows for the cross-pollination of theories and methods with the potential to grasp the problems at hand in an accelerated time of innovation and technological transformations.
Professionals and students across different sectors require a knowledge base that can support the development of relevant digital uses in different situations. Here the discipline of Education has a key role to play and can be both a facilitator and a fond for illuminating the significance of learning across micro, meso and macro scales. Here we do not merely look at the formalised, the informal and semi-formal components of institutional Education, but also at the everyday nature of learning. This perspective on learning is highly relevant given the everyday nature of socialization processes whereby individuals – children and adults – “learn” in and through digitalization. The role of media and the analogue-digital interface are here in need of being illuminated both in research and in cross-sectorial collaborations across academia and industry.
The LeaDMe, Learning Digitalization and Media International Conference has been conceptualized as a strategic initiative for a theoretical research-oriented conference meeting (13-14 Feb 2020) and a cross-sectorial platform (15 Feb 2020) that brings together various sectors and actors engaged in the enterprise of education, digitalization and media. It is jointly hosted by three institutions – two disciplinary oriented from Mumbai, India and the third multidisciplinary-oriented from Jönköping, Sweden.

Conference series
LeaDMe2020 is part of two series of conferences/workshops that have been organized by the Department of Mass Media, KC College in Mumbai, India since 2013 on the one hand, and the CCD research environment, Communication, Culture and Diversity, at Jönköping University, since 1998. Research and societal developmental projects that focus on communication, diversity, identity and learning have been on the agenda at CCD since the mid-1990s.
The LeaDMe2020 international conference is expected to bring together international scholars and key individuals from professional sectors, from across the global-North and the global-South with the contributing to discussions about learning, digitalization and media in diverse global-local settings across the planet.