PED Conference 2019
Welcome to our internal pedagogical conference - The PED conference that the School of Engineering will host on April 4 2019.
Theme: Life-Long Learning
Time and place
April 4 2019, 09:00 - 16:00
School of Engineering, Jönköping
Room E1423 (Fagerhult Aula)
PED conference 2019 from Jönköping University on Vimeo.
Keynotes and Workshops
09.00 - 09.15 Welcome and Introduction.
Ingrid Wadskog, Dean at the School of Engineering, Anna Rosengren, chairperson Pedagogical Development Group and Murad Trkawi, Hi Tech Education.
09.15 - 09.30 Life-Long Learning and Consequences for Higher Education - The industry perspective. Eleonor Svenningsson, HR Development Manager and Ludvig Liepe, Trainee, Fagerhults Belysning AB.
09.30 - 10.15 Life-Long Learning - Theoretical perspectives and development in society.
Cecilia Bjursell, Director of Encell, School of Education and Communication.
10.15 - 10.45 COFFEE
10.45 - 11:30 Sustainability as Life-Long Learning - Higher Education Perspective.
Arjen Wals, professor Wageningen University, UNESCO Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development.
11.30 - 12.00 Panel Discussion - what effects for higher education institutions?
Eleonor Svenningsson, Ludvig Leipe, Cecilia Bjursell, Arjen Wals, Murad Trkawi and moderator Peter Swalander, Department manager Project Office.
12.00 LUNCH
13.00 - 14.30 Workshop Sessions
1. Sustainability in research and education
Arjen Wals.
2. Life-Long Learning - experience from education to professionals.
Carin Rösiö, Salem Seifeddine, Karin Havemose, Mats Jackson, Patrik Cannmo
3. Visit to the Digital laborative classroom at the School of Education and Communication.
School of Education and Communication
4. ICT - learn to use the e-meeting tool Zoom
Jenny Madsen, IT Educator.
20 spots available.
14.30 - 16.00PED FAIR. Get inspired by your colleagues who share their experience, network and try out new pedagogical devices.
With afternoon coffee.
Learn about e.g.
- JU Play
- Inspera – digital exams
- Actlive Learning Classroom in the Library
- Academic Resource Centre/Studiverkstaden available for our students (in English and Swedish!)
- Recording of lectures in the studio at School of Engineering
E1418, E1419.