PED Conference
Welcome to our internal pedagogical conference - the PED Conference that JTH will host on May 17 2018.
Theme: Linking Education and Research
Time and place
May 17 2018, 09:00-16:30 (Optional casual dinner after 16.30)
School of Engineering, Jönköping
Room E1423 (Fagerhult)
Keynotes and Workshops
09:00–09:30 Welcome and registration
09:30–10:30 Plenary session I – Marie Magnell, KTH, Linking education and research - theory and practice
10:30 Coffee
11:00-12.00 Plenary sessions 2 - Mats Jacksson, Patrik Cannmo and Hi Tech, Research and education at the School of Engineering
12:00–13:00 LUNCH
13:00–14:30 Workshop Sessions (limited capacity, first come, first served!)
1. Linking education and research at the School of Engineering - Today and tommorow. Together with Marie Magnell, KTH, we will use a model of different ways of linking education and research to discuss how we do the linking today, and where we want to go tomorrow.
2. Active Learning Classrooms.
Teaching in an active learning classroom: transformation and regeneration.
Sofia Nodén, Peola Johansson and Daniel Glimryd from the University library. C3028
3. Internationalization
We will discuss the concept of "internationalization at home". Learn about the students' perspective from Hi Tech and a JU student initiative on internationalization, and share your experience and views on the ways forward.
4. "Bring your own demonstration - Tools for education"
Share and/or discover tools for education. Moderated by Jörgen Gustafsson and Johan Kohlin from the School of Engineering.
14:30–15:00 COFFEE BREAK
15:00–16:30 Workshop Sessions (limited capacity, first come, first served!)
1. Linking education and research at the School of Engineering - Today and tommorow.
Together with Marie Magnell, KTH, we will use a model of different ways of linking education and research to discuss how we do the linking today, and where we want to go tomorrow.
2. Active learning techniques
Teaching in an active learning classroom: transformation and regeneration.
Sofia Nodén, Peola Johansson and Daniel Glimryd from the University library. C3028
3. Internationalization
We will discuss the concept of "internationalization at home". Learn about the students' perspective from Hi Tech and a JU student initiative on internationalization, and share your experience and views on the ways forward.
4. Sustainability in research and education
Our guest Frances Sprei from Chalmers will lead this workshop on how one can interpret sustainability and include it in teaching, by using examples from the recent book she has co-authored.
16:30 Informal dinner and PED awards
Sign up and nominate
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The PED Collegial Award 2018
To emphasize how important our work is to develop our pedagogical excellence and ability to organize and administrate professional courses, we are delighted to announce that we will hand out two awards at the PED conference:
- The School of Engineering at Jönköping University Award
for excellence in the pedagogic profession
- The School of Engineering at Jönköping University Award
for excellence in course organisation & administration
One winner or team of winners in each category will be awarded based on nominations from JTH staff and final evaluations of the PED-team.
Examples of achievements for excellence in the pedagogic profession include:
- Excellent pedagogical skills
- Experimenting with novel pedagogical methods
- Using virtual learning environments in novel/successful ways
- Involving external partners in novel/successful ways
Examples of achievements for excellence in course organisation & administration include:
- Implementing novel/successful processes, routines or documents which enabled smooth running of course and happy students
- Implementing novel/successful ways to provide feedback to students
- Implementing novel/clear marking/assessment criteria
- Implementing novel/successful ways to examine/grade students
- Successfully engaged students or others in developing the course content or design
About the speakers

Anna-Karin Carstensen is Senior Lecturer in Engineering Education Research at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University. In her thesis she describes how students make links between the theory/model-world and the object/event-world, when teaching materials are carefully prepared using Variation Theory. She teaches as well engineering education as computer science, especially embedded systems. She is a member of the Pedagogical Development Group (PED), where her monitoring area is CDIO.

Alastair Creelman is an e-learning specialist at Linnaeus University in Kalmar. He works as a project leader and consultant in e-learning/distance education. Alastair is particularly interested in the development of open educational resources in education, MOOCs, social media, digital literacy and quality in e-learning.

Ulf Gran is an Associate Professor and the Vice Head of the Department of Physics at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. His research focuses on black holes in string theory. He was awarded the annual pedagogical prize at Chalmers in 2016.

Jörgen Gustafsson is Senior Lecturer in Physics at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University. He has long experience from working with online courses and virtual learning environments. Jörgen is a member of the Board of Education and Research Education at Jönköping University (NUF) and the Pedagogical Development Group at the School of Engineering (PED), where his monitoring area is IT in higher education.

Andrea Resmini is a Seniro Lecturer of Informatics at Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University. He was trained as an architect at the Politecnico di Milano, in Milan, Italy, and I hold a PhD in Legal Informatics from the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, in Bologna, Italy. His research focuses on information architecture, cross-channel experiences, new media, and the concepts of space, place, and place-making in blended spaces.

Willem van Valkenburg has been working in the field of e-learning at Delft University of Technology since 2003. Currently, he is responsible for the Production & Delivery of TU Delft Extension School, which includes OpenCourseWare, MOOCs, Online and Blended Courses. Willem is also a board member of the Open Education Consortium.
President of PED Anna Rosengren
PED conference projectmanager Hamid Jafari
Business Developer Linda Bergqvist
Project coordinator Jesper Johnsson