Macroeconomic Principles 7.5 hp

In the Macroeconomic Principles course, the aggregate economy and its development are studied. The analysis of the interaction between macroeconomic variables such as growth, inflation, and unemployment are integral elements. Possibilities and difficulties to manage the economy with the aid of economic policy as well as how the open economy is affected by international developments are also central to this part of the course.


The course introduces macroeconomic indicators, models, and theories that are useful for studying the mechanisms of an aggregate economy, in the short-, medium-, and long-term.
Important elements of the course are:
• Macroeconomic indicators such as gross domestic product, CPI, inflation, and unemployment rate measures.
• Real wage formation and unemployment in the labor market.
• Determinants of long-run economic growth.
• The financial system and the allocation of saving.
• Components of aggregate spending; consumption, investments, government expenditure and net exports.
• The effect of a change in aggregate spending on the equilibrium output.
• The market for money and the market for goods and services.
• Properties, causes, and consequences of short-run economic fluctuations.
• Decisions about government spending, discretionary fiscal policy, and automatic stabilizers.
• The role of the central bank and the effectiveness of monetary policy.
• Effects of macroeconomic policies on inflation.
• The role of the exchange rate in trade and its implication on macroeconomic policies.

Connection to Research and Practice
The macroeconomic models introduced in the course are based on research. The theories on economic growth broadly connect to JIBS research area renewal. Macroeconomic indicators, theories, and models are put into practice through the exercises and the assignment, which involve real-world issues.


Grundläggande behörighet + Matematik 3b eller 3c, Samhällskunskap 1b eller 1a1+1a2, Engelska 6 med lägst betyget E. Dispens medges från kravet i Svenska.


Läs mer om urvalsregler

Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå

Kurskod/Ladokkod: JMPG14

Kursen ges vid: Internationella Handelshögskolan

Label Value
Studieform Normal
Termin Våren 2025: vecka 3 – vecka 12
Studietakt Halvfart
Undervisningsspråk Engelska
Ort Jönköping
Kurstid Dagtid
Studieavgift Gäller enbart studenter utanför EU/EES/Schweiz: 12500 SEK
Kursplan (PDF)
Anmälningskod HJ-24102