Smält metalls processteknik - Aluminiumlegeringar 3 hp
The critical content of this course is related to the aluminium alloy preparation including, light metal scrap recycling technologies, melt refining and impurity control to enable sustainable management of circular materials. The practices for microstructural engineering such as grain refinement and microstructural modification are also studied. For more information see
The critical content is related to the aluminium alloy preparation including, light metal scrap recycling technologies, melt refining and impurity control to enable sustainable management of circular materials. The practices for microstructural engineering such as grain refinement and microstructural modification.
The course includes the following elements:
- The effect of dissolved impurities and inclusions on the mechanical properties of metal products ;
- Thermodynamics and transport properties ;
- Properties of various metals, impurity content, and refining ;
- Removal of dissolved impurity elements from molten metals ;
- Removal of inclusions ;
- Addition of alloy components ;
- Solidification and refining ;
- Refining and recycling metallurgy in the future;
- Industrial practice for aluminium alloys;
Passed courses at least 90 credits within the major subject Mechanical Engineering, 15 credits Mathematics, and completed course in Component Casting, 6 credits and proof of English proficiency is required (or the equivalent).
Utbildningsnivå: Avancerad nivå
Kurskod/Ladokkod: TALS22
Kursen ges vid: Tekniska högskolan
Label | Value |
Studieform | Nätbaserad distans |
Antal träffar | 0 |
Termin | Hösten 2024: vecka 38 – vecka 41 |
Studietakt | Halvfart |
Undervisningsspråk | Engelska |
Ort | Ortsoberoende |
Kurstid | Blandad undervisningstid |
Platser | 8.0 |
Studieavgift Gäller enbart studenter utanför EU/EES/Schweiz: | 7500 SEK |
Kursplan (PDF) | |
Anmälningskod | HJ-13171 |