Educate's mission includes monitoring current events. Worldwatch is the most up-to-date format we use to share our insights.

Here we curate content from different centres for educational development, our networks, and various media and debate forums so that you get an updated insight into what the world is talking about right now.

Educate's mission states that the centre is JU's contact body towards international, national and regional partners in the field of higher education, follows developments and disseminates current relevant information further within JU. We do this on our inspiration pages, and through our worldwatch page we follow developments.

Sveriges universitets- och högskoleförbund (SUHF)

SUHF coordinates quality work and policy development in higher education in Sweden. They organise conferences and seminars on the development of quality systems and the evaluation landscape in higher education and research, and have a long series of reports describing the work.



Umeå University

Umeå University has one of the country's largest development units for learning and learning support (UPL) which, among other things, works to reduce the gap between traditional and digital teaching. The news feed reflects the work.

UPL at UU - News


University of Gothenburg

At the University of Gothenburg (PIL unit) there are programmes and research in higher education pedagogy, but also a resource bank for employees that is open to everyone. This includes tips on AI-generated materials, teaching formats and teaching methods.



Södertörn University

The development unit for higher education pedagogy and education has its own publication series, Södertörn Studies in Higher Education. Here you will find perspectives on learning, studies and best practice.

Unit for pedagogical development Södertörn University

International Journal of Sustainability in Higer Education

The aim of International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education is to provide up-to-date information on new developments and trends on sustainability in a higher education context, and to catalyse networking and information exchange on sustainable development as a whole, and on the SDGs in particular, on a global basis.

International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education External link, opens in new window.