
Nedan presenteras såväl forskarkonferenser som konferenser och seminarier riktade till personer med intresse inom fältet livslångt och vuxnas lärande.
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Uppsala University, 10-11 April 2023. Campus Blåsenhus.
The conference aims to open discussions on how to understand the complex realities of racism and ethnic and religious discrimination in relation to education - often heralded in policy discourse as key to combat racism and to promote an inclusive democratic society. The ambition of the conference is to bridge disciplinary and thematic boundaries - including long-standing barriers between research on racism and antisemitism - to open a space for critical scholarship during this divisive time.
Submit your abstract by 12 January 2024 on the conference homepage: www.NCRE2024.com
The conference is organized by Uppsala University, Department of Education (EDU), together with the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies on Racism (CEMFOR/UU), the Segerstedt Institute (GU), the Living History Forum, Department of Society, Culture and Identity (MAU) and the Forum for Jewish Studies (UU).
Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.1-3 July, in Palma, Spain
We take great pleasure in inviting you to EDULEARN24, the 16th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.
EDULEARN24 will be held in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd July 2024. Attendance of over 800 educational professionals is expected, who will take part in EDULEARN24 to further their professional development and enrich their networks by meeting others in similar fields.
Attendees will be able to join oral and poster sessions, interactive workshops and keynote speeches delivered by the world’s top educators.
There will be 3 presentation formats: Oral, Poster or Virtual. You can submit your abstracts proposals until March 14th, 2024 (included). Abstracts should be submitted on-line at http://iated.org/edulearn/online_submission
EDULEARN24 will be a truly international event with participants from 80 different countries. If you are in the field of education and are looking to gain new perspectives, this conference is for you. We look forward to seeing you there!
Andra forskarkonferenser att bevaka
- ESREA European Society for Research on the Education of Adults:
Bevaka ESREAs konferenserLänk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
- European Educational Research Association
Bevaka EERALänk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.s konferenser
- Nera-NFPF i Malmö
Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
- IAEVG International Conference 2024 (peda.net) 12-14 november 2024 Riktar sig till forskare, beslutsfattare och praktiker med intresse för studie- och yrkesvägledning. Mer information om konferensens tema, datum att hålla koll på etc. kommer. Save the date – konferensen kommer äga rum i Finland 12-14 November, 2024, och är av relevans för frågor som rör utbildning och arbetsliv i förändring.