Inaugural lectures 2021
On Thursday 23 September and Friday 24 September 2021, the university's new professors and honorary doctors gave lectures that were open to the general public via a livestream broadcast.
The subject matters of the public lectures were fascinating and diverse: Why do we engage in lifelong learning? How can we help children with disabilities paricipate in every day life? What is socio-economic weatlh and how does it affect famiy businesses? What is the new technology within casting? How does physical activity affect blood circulation?
These and many more questions were discussed and answered by experts within the respective fields.
Thursday 23 September
The Thursday public lectures will be given by those professors who will be inaugurated at the Academic Ceremony as well as the winners of the Pedagogical Prize and Per Risberg Memorial Fund Scholarship. The moderator for the Thursday public lectures is Professor Charlotta Mellander from Jönköping International Business School.
You are welcome to the JU Aula at HLK External link, opens in new window. to listen to the lectures, or you can follow the livestream
External link, opens in new window..
Why do people engage in lifelong learning?
Cecilia Bjursell - Professor of Pedagogy
Language: English

Educational leadership in times of crisis
The role of higher education in developing responsibility
Lene Foss - Professor of Pedagogy
Language: English

The Importance of Being Named. Language and Literature in moving global and digital eduscapes
Ylva Lindberg - Professor of Pedagogy
Language: English

Physical activity and vascular health
Anita Hurtig Wennlöf - Professor of Clinical Physiology
Language: English

How can we increase participation in everyday life for children with disabilities?
Karina Huus - Professor of Nursing
Language: English

Human-centred AI
Maria Riveiro - Professor of Computer Science
Language: English

Unusually usual: responding to the pandemic
Adele Berndt - Associate Professor of Business Administration and winner of the Pedagogical Prize
Language: English

Optimising prosthetic and orthotic services - One step at a time
Nerrolyn Ramstrand - Professor of Prosthetics and Orthotics and winner of the Per Risberg Memorial Fund Scholarship
Language: English

Friday 24 September
The Friday public lecutres will be given by JU's newly appointed honorary doctors. The moderator for the Friday public lectures will be Ulli Samuelsson, Assistant Professor education at School of Education and Communication.
You are welcome to the JU Aula at HLK to listen to the lectures, or you can follow the livestream External link, opens in new window..
Nature's Turn
Sue Waite - Associate Professor of Outdoor Learning, Plymouth Univeristy
Language: English

Socioemotional wealth theory: It's origin, evolution and implications for the behaviour of family-controlled firms
Luis Gomez-Mejia - Regents Professor, Arizona State University
Language: English

Rheocasting: My journey to the future of casting
Per Jansson - CEO, Comptech AB
Language: English

Give me back my fact! How can social science help us survive the post-truth pandemic?
Trish Greenhalgh - Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences, Oxford University
Language: English

You can watch the lectures here.