Content updated 2019-06-25

Requirements and Selection Process

It is important to meet the requirements for the School of Engineering to be able to participate in exchange semester.

When you are applying you must have at least 80% of the possible number of points within your programme. These must be approved and reported to Ladok by the deadline of the selection.

The selection is based on the following

Points are given for the three parts and the total determines a student’s rank in the priority group.

  • Number of credits belonging to the study programme at School of Engineering.
  • Grade point average.
  • Study Abroad Points: You travel as an ambassador for the School of Engineering and therefore you can include other qualifications, such as involvement in HI TECH and more. If you want to have these points included in the selection this must be reported to HINT at certain times during the academic year. For questions regarding Study Abroad Points, please contact HINT directly.

Additional information

It is not possible to participate in the exchange programme after year 2 (master students) or year 3 (bachelor students).

Continuation study requirements

In order to begin the second or third year in your study programme, a minimum number of credits from the programme’s earlier year must be completed. These criterias also applies for starting your exchange studies.


The Process for an Exchange Semester

Exchange application to JU

  • Look through Exchange opportunities and Partner Universities.
  • Apply through International Office within the deadlines.
  • Accept offered exchange place in Mobility Online

Nomination (done by International Office)

  • Once you have accepted your place, an official nomination is sent to the Partner University from International Office at JU.
  • Once your have been nominated, you will receive information from the partner university regarding their application, course lists, accommodation etc.

Formal application process to the Partner University (done by student)

  • Check the deadline for the application for your university. Please note that this deadline can differ depending on which university you have been accepted to.
  • Prepare all the necessary documents and information needed for your application.
  • Make sure to send in the application before the deadline!

Preparation Week offered by International Office

  • There will be sessions available to help you prepare for your exchange semester. More information will be sent by International Office at JU.

Go Exchange

  • This fair is offered once a semester and is a great way to meet some of the incoming exhange students that are here from the country or university that you will be going to. Take the chance to meet them and ask any questions you might have about life in your new host country!

Course approval/accreditation

  • JU offers you the chance to have your courses pre-approved to make life easier for you to accredit the courses into your program at home.
  • The accreditation at JTH is done by your program manager.
  • Follow the instructions and steps in MOA

Letter of Acceptance from Partner University

  • Once you have completed your application to the partner university, they will send you a Letter of Acceptance. This can be used for many applications, such as Visa, CSN etc.

Visa application

  • Make sure to check which regulations are required for the country you will be visiting. It is recommended to apply for the visa as soon as possible.



  • You are covered by Kammarkollegiets insurance during your exchange semester, but it is important that you make sure to check the terms and conditions whether you need additional insurance. Some unversities also require you to buy their insurance, which can be expensive.


  • Make sure to check if you need any vaccines or if there are other recdeommendations for the country you are going to.
