Content updated 2013-08-23

Accreditation and change of programme

Change of programme at JIBS

If you are a programme student at JIBS and wish to change your programme, hand in the application form to:

Jönköping International Business School
Box 1026
551 11 Jönköping

Application form Pdf, 58.5 kB.

  • Students at JIBS Bachelor programmes and Civilekonom programme can only change programmes after completing their first year of studies (can apply to change programme in their first year in the spring semester, i.e 15 April)
  • Students at JIBS Master programmes can only change programmes after completing their first semester (can apply to change programme in their first year in the Autumn semester, i.e 15 November).
  • Students at JIBS programmes (first and second cycle), are not allowed to switch courses during the first year of study. Exceptions apply for students who can accredit a given programme course with a course from previous studies.

The latest date to hand in applications referring to the Spring semester is 15 November.

The latest date to hand in applications referring to the Autumn semester is 15 April.

Accreditation of courses at JIBS

If you have courses from earlier studies that you wish to transfer to your degree from JIBS you must hand in an application. An official transcript of records along with complete syllabi in English or Swedish must be sent by the university where courses are taken directly to Jönköping University. Please read Rules for Accreditation. Pdf, 101.2 kB.

There are new rules concerning accreditation of courses at JIBS starting 1 January 2011:

  • Students in bachelor programmes may not transfer more than 60 ECTS credits from earlier studies.
  • Students in 2-year master programmes may not transfer more than 30 ECTS credits from earlier studies.
  • Students in 1-year master programmes may not transfer any credits from earlier studies.

You find the form here

The application should be sent to

Specialist College (state the relevant specialist college)
Box 1026
551 11 Jönköping