If you get sick or injured

Here you can read about insurance cover and other information related to your health and study environment. All registered students at Jönköping University are covered by different insurances. Make sure you know which category you belong to and pay attention to coverage and restrictions.

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

If you are a citizen of any of the EU/EEA countries or Switzerland, you should register for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) in your home country before arriving to Sweden.


The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) grants health care on the same terms as for Swedish citizens if the treatment becomes necessary during your stay in Sweden. It does not cover care which can be delayed until you return home, nor physiotherapy for injuries that occurred before arriving in Sweden. Remember to always bring the card when seeking medical care. Please note, if you are not able to receive your EHIC before leaving home due to long waiting times, you can request a temporary certificate from the same office in your home country that issues the EHIC.


Insurance information and claim form

It is the state agency Kammarkollegiet that provides the insurance, and you can read more about the terms of the insurance and find the claim form on Kammarkollegiet's website External link, opens in new window.


Please note! The correct claim form needs to be signed by the Service Center External link, opens in new window. at Jönköping University.


EU/EEA students without EHIC

If you can't obtain an EHIC in your home country, and you are not a resident in your EU/EEA country of citizenship, you are still covered by the insurance, provided by Kammarkollegiet.


Full programme students at Jönköping University, please click here to find more information and claim form


Incoming exchange students at Jönköping University from partner universities, please click here find more information External link, opens in new window.


Please note! The correct claim form needs to be signed by the Service Center External link, opens in new window. at Jönköping University.

All fee-paying students studying at Jönköping University are covered by FAS - The Swedish State’s Insurance for Fee-Paying Students. This insurance is valid 24 hours a day in Sweden and includes accident cover, costs for home transport in case of illness or accident as well as liability cover, legal expenses, and property cover.


Here you can find more information and the correct claim form

Insurance for students who pay tuition fees (FAS and FASplus) - Kammarkollegiet


Please note! The correct claim form needs to be signed by the Service Center External link, opens in new window. at Jönköping University.

Exchange students at Jönköping University are covered by the Swedish State’s insurance for exchange students, provided by Kammarkollegiet.


Incoming exchange students are students coming to Jönköping University from a partner university.


Outgoing exchange students are students from Jönköping University going abroad on studies, internship, or thesis writing.


Incoming Exchange students

The insurance applies during direct travel between the home country and Sweden, during the period of education in Sweden, as well as two weeks before the start of study and two weeks after the end of study.


Here you can find more information and the correct claim form

Insurance for exchange students in Sweden (Student IN) - Kammarkollegiet


Please note! The correct claim form needs to be signed by the Service Center External link, opens in new window. at Jönköping University.


Outgoing Exchange students

Please find more information about outgoing exchange here

Students holding a Swedish Institute scholarship are covered by an insurance for foreign visitors, provided by Kammarkollegiet.


Please find more information here, Swedish Institute Scholarships | Swedish Institute (si.se)

Are you a student with your own accommodation? Then you need to have your own home insurance.


Jönköping University recommends all students to individually purchase a home insurance (in Swedish called "hemförsäkring") from a Swedish or international insurance company. Most home insurances include travelling insurance but sometimes only if the policy holder (the students) has a Swedish social security number. Please make sure to get information from your insurance company about what is included in your private insurance.


For more information, please contact the Service Center External link, opens in new window..

If you come to Sweden to study and apply for a compensation from Försäkringskassan, they will first assess whether you are to be insured in Sweden or not. It is important to submit a notification in case you become ill or need to be at home to care for a sick child.

Please contact Försäkringskassan for more information External link, opens in new window.


If you have student grants from CSN, you must submit a notification in case you become ill or need to be at home to care for a sick child.

Link to CSN External link, opens in new window.

Study counselling

If you for some reason are facing study related challenges, for example fallen behind with your studies, you can get study counselling from our study counsellors. This service is free of charge.

Contact information is found here


Student Health Care

At the Student Health Care at Jönköping University, you can get support and advice free of charge regarding your health and well-being.

Contact information is found here


For questions and signing of your claim form, please contact
the Service Center