Content updated 2023-05-02

Withdrawal from studies

If you have decided to withdraw from a programme or freestanding course that you are registered on, you must notify the University.

Please talk to your study counsellor before withdrawing.

Consequences of withdrawing

By withdrawing, you cancel your place on the programme/freestanding course. This means that you are not allowed to sit examinations or submit coursework after the withdrawal date.

You will retain the credits that you have earned on the programme/course. They will not be removed from Ladok. The credits will be shown on if you make a new application.

How to withdraw

Complete this form External link, opens in new window..
The date that you submit the form generally counts as the withdrawal date. If you receive student finance from the Swedish Board of Student Finance (CSN), remember to notify the board of your withdrawal.

Confirmation of withdrawal

Confirmation is sent to the student, the JU staff concerned, and, where necessary, the Swedish Migration Agency.

Can I resume the programme later?

If you have withdrawn, you can reapply and compete for a place on the programme.

Can I resume the course later?

You can reapply and compete for a place on the course if you withdraw no later than three weeks after the start of the course and have not achieved any credits on the course.

If you withdraw more than three weeks after the start of the course, you cannot apply for the course again. Please contact the University to find out if you can re-register. You can only re-register if there is a place available.