Content updated 2020-10-09

About Ladok

Ladok is a national IT system for student records, supporting Swedish universities in different parts of the study administration process. The system is owned by the universities together with CSN (The Swedish Board of Student Finance, which is the authority that manages Swedish student finance).

During 2017 and 2018, the older version of Ladok was replaced by a new Ladok, which is completely web based. The system is continuously updated with new developments.

Why a student academic record system?

The information in Ladok serves as a basis for the funding from the Swedish State that each university receives to conduct education. Different kinds of education are accounted for separately.

Authorities retrieving data directly from Ladok

- CSN: data needed for approval of maintenance grants.
- SCB (Statistics Sweden): data used for statistics about the universities.
- UHR (Swedish Council for Higher Education): data needed for valuation of eligibility and qualification in connection with application for and admission to higher education. Information on who has been admitted to the different programmes and courses is in turn submitted from UHR to Ladok.

The university is responsible for student records and assurance. The data registered in Ladok is classified as public records.