Terms and Conditions

These are the terms and conditions for the JU Card which you are obligated/required to know. The conditions are the same whether you are a student or member of the staff.

The card is your personal identity card at JU and may not be misused.
The card is your "key" to university premises and should be treated as such.
The card and your PIN must not be kept together.
The card is personal and may not be lent to anyone.
Never use your card to let someone unauthorized in.
Loss of card should be notified immediately.
The photograph can be used in the University's internal IT systems.
You are required to show your JU Card to a security guard or authorized university staff.
You have to abide by the University Library's rules. The rules can be found at www.bibl.hj.se/regulations External link, opens in new window.

Photo booths on campus

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