Sofa – A Modular concept developed for Circularity

Mikal Fitsum Kibrom
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Most modern upholstered couches include a lot of glue and staples, making them difficult to recycle. This study aims to create a modular sofa without glue and staples, allowing for replacement of old components, and extending the cover's life cycle.
Hitherto. Today’s modern upholstered sofas are built on a frame of various wood components that have been glued and stapled together, on which foam and wadding have been added to offer a soft touch and feel. An additional cover is then mostly fixed upholstered or, less common, attached removable for renewal, or cleaning.
Regardless of the cover option, the majority of couches will end up in landfill, complete with their wooden frame, polyurethane foam, polyester wadding, various textile fabrics, metal staples and springs. Despite the fact that, in most cases, only the cover has become slightly worn.
As a result, in collaboration with Scapa Inter AB, this project will address the issue by developing a sustainable modular sofa.